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Posts posted by melrick1

  1. That is fair enough, and I agree with you 100% on that aspect and it is terrible that it happens to such nice creatures.

    The people who are selling them are responsible also, it’s the same with dogs and other pets, the owner/breeder is responsible to where they go and if the buyer is able to accommodate them.

    Animals rule our life lol, and I just wanted a wee bit of advice so we could have a new experience with one of our reptiles. There is still plenty of room in our turtle habitat which dominates the back garden haha

  2. Wasnt looking to go into production, just the experience of hatching and growing a couple of my own is the goal.

    It is a shame that many people and pet shops have created a bad feel for redies.

    And this place is generaly good to educate the people who are in the hobby for the love of it.

  3. Hi there guys, have a big red ear slider looking like she is getting ready to lay soon. Was wondering if anyone has any easy tips on a reptile incubator or has a cheep one available for buying?

    She had a fair few eggs last year but of course no incubator… I didn’t really want to go out and spend a fortune.

    And I know people on here will have all sorts of ideas how to help lol :)

  4. The shrimp will hatch and look like a swarm/cloud of tiny tiny almost insect like things. When I first found them it took me a while to figure out what they actually were. If they are in with fishies they wont last long :nilly:

  5. Well we thought that Patunia our 5 year old blue tongue lizard was a female and we bought what we thought was a boy for her to try breed them. Took the “boy” to a reptile store and they said he was a def girl. So my girlfriend re-homed her to a friend. The other day she came back to use and said here this is yours…. It was a tiny baby blue tongue!

    Sux that we have split up a breeding pair without even knowing it and real disappointed about it but stoked that we were doing everything right!

    She was small and only gave birth to two of them, one dies I suspect from the mother being stressed with the big move.

    So now looking for an adult girl for out “boy” lol.

    Really rewarding being responsible for something as cool as this!

  6. Hi there guys

    My good friend Keegan and I (Students in the I.T. degree at Wintec) are creating an ecomerce type web page for the gold fish bowl aquarium store. We are going to have all products and fish on the web site and allow customers to place orders in a shopping cart.

    We also plan to design a fish compatibility program and a tank dimension program for new fish owners. This is the very beggining and obviously we will be developing far more but were hoping to have input from the clientel that is most likely to use it YOU GUYS!

    If you could note down sudgestions and ideas that you have always thought would be good on a web page.

    I know that I have had trouble finding links to specific info and acurate information.

    Your help would be great.

    And in four months time you guys are going to be our test audience.

  7. well its my birthday comming up and I was thinking of getting a few baby discus for my display tank. I have done some research and have had/breed tropicals for many a year lol, but just wanted to know how different discus were to keep.

    And if it is worth getting into lol.

    Any help from people with experience would be great.

    Thanks in advance!

  8. I have two bt. one a def 3 year old female and not sure on the other. They have now all of a sudden become very agressive towards the bearded dragon with them (which has not happened before). Is this to do with mating? I only ask as they dont seem agro towards each other, just the beardie and my hand.... which has also never happened....

    Your thoughts would be great

  9. First thing is to seperate the males before damage is done.

    First thing is to seperate the males before damage is done.

    lol not going to put a female in with the males, dnt worry... my males are fine together, as long as there is a submissive one and you keep an eye on them they can be kept together well. All depends on the lizards.

    Yeh a female that age will be worth its weight in gold lol

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