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  • Location
    new zealand
  • About You
    fish dragons cars drinking girls

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. wow very cool would like to go to something like that one day
  2. never used to clean gravel in my planted tank it was heavily planted so i would just vacuum the plants and grasses the plants use much of the waste
  3. thats were the air is lol :lol:
  4. cut the light down to about 8 to 10 hours a day that should help
  5. yea me to i would only put them out side when im home for that reason cant trust no one my setup is 1200W x 900H x 2000L just putting mesh on today it will be sitting on my Deck under shelter but still gets lots of sun so they will love it . will get some pics up soon
  6. I have a x box 360 make sure you get one with a HDMI port in the back mine didn't so had to buy a new one . also the one with hdmi runs quieter and cooler so that means longer life and less chance of getting RROD well that's my too cents
  7. wow that is masive love to have something like that one day
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