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Posts posted by rockwork

  1. when we got ours we drove up to auckland from wellington to get them.

    i would never ship them via courier i would rather fly them or deliver them.

    to me its not worth the risk of a courier throwing the bag around.

    my mother has had turtles delivered via courier, the courier driver was throwing the package up in the air like it was a ball when he was walking up the drive way.

    he didnt seem to care that it said fragile/live animals on the label.

  2. i had a similar problem when my little girl got eaten by the bigger one (not that much bigger)

    i used mythanol blue in the water and kept her by herself. i did daily water changes and eventually it went away.

    i have never tried the fridge trick.

    i has lost 1 axie to a fungus infection before but it was really bad she had the growth all over her back and frills. :cry:

  3. this is to bump it back to the top.

    we would also like to thank those who have offered to help,

    living art for the turtles

    mystic and lucid for the donation

    gannet for put us up while we are there

    and chilli (your enclosure is nearly finished)

    anyone still needing anything taken up please pm us, we may be able to help.

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