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Everything posted by bobo
I was tempted to try it, but I don't think I can be bothered; trying to keep things simple at the moment (young family and all). More posted it for people's interest and to see if anybody had tried it. I may try it in the future on a little nano if I get the chance, just to test it out. Excel isn't that expensive is it? ~$90 for 2L,using their directions 7.5ml a day (if every day) for 300L tank = 250 odd days? Going to be on a heavily planted, low-med light, low maintenance tank. Or don't I know something? i.e. you need to use more than they state?
Heya, I was trawling the internet and found this: http://www.aquariumlife.com.au/showthread.php/30650-Cheap-Sand-based-CO2-Generating-Sub Anyone had an experience with this? Seems to get positive feedback. Thinking of giving it a shot. Tossing up between this or Excel.
Thank you!
Heh Cheers. It was that trademe auction. I think the tank is too small for dems as well (it's a 120cm 120litre)? Anyone know what the mystery fish is?
Heh. The only real thought I gave to positioning is that I wanted a 'carpet' in the centre, surrounded by crypts - that took a looooong time to grow in; in fact I didn't think that foreground plant was going to. That area still has a way to go, but its getting there. All the swords are there simply because I happened to have a whole bunch lying around, and I needed to fill the tank in - that side is a bit bland for me. Thanks for the positive comments guys. Really the biggest positive for me is being able to keep an interesting, low maintenance tank. I just had a baby, and I think the 50% weekly water changes I was giving the Oscar that was in there would have killed me.
Hmmmmm not sure I can fit an airpump in with my current plug layout. If the filter stopped, wouldn't the fish breath from what available surface there is? You have some nice fish there Ryan I obviously don't know if the electrics I bought are good stock or not - but here are some photos - one if of Mum (hard to photograph - she hides). What is the mystery fish? The tank: Uploaded with ImageShack.us The Mum: Uploaded with ImageShack.us The Mystery Fish: Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Thanks for advice guys. I went got some coral sand and I'll add coral rocks when I can afford it. I put some random stones in from other projects as temporary housing. I've added 10 electric yellows and one unidentified fish. I got the electric yellow very cheap and will have to reduce the numbers as they mature. Do I need an airstone? The tank is enclosed (to stop jumping). The filter create surface agitation, but not enough to cause any bubbles. I post a tank pic once the camera recharges!
Hey guys, I'm posting this because it's a tank I'm pretty happy with. I wanted a planted tank which took very little maintenance, so if you want something similar, you could go about it somewhat like this. The details: Tank: 120cm x 60cm x45cm Filter: Some kind of big canister filter and the filter in the hood Lights: 3x39 T5s, 6500K Dosing: Twice a week a few drops of a homebrew fertilizer bought off trademe Once a month (with waterchange), overdose of excel - to kill any BBA (get a small amount as you can see in the logs) Maintenance: Currently one 50% water change a month. I think I will push it out to every two months. Now and then I clip the stem plants. Randomly run the magnet across the glass - a light green dust gradually collects. Fish: Red Tail Shark A few cories 3 Kribs 2 Angelfish 4 Bristlenose ~12 Tigerbarbs I'm not much of an aquascaper - so I just chucked in whatever plants I could get my hands on that would go ok in low light. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Thanks for the feedback guys. I'd rather not be adding stuff to the water (laziness), like salts, but thanks for the suggestion. How about using 1mm aragonite as my base? Will that buffer the water and keep the pH up (to be honest, I'm not as concerned about the pH as I am about the hardness)? What is aragonite? A sand? Will the cichlids still dig/sift etc with it? Cheers!
Hey guys, I'm setting up a tank, and I haven't kept these types of cichlids before- it looks like I'll have electric yellows, peacocks, maybe some shellies. My tap water has a ph of ~7.2-7.4, and a KH of 2, I don't have a GH testing kit yet. 1) What substrate do I use to raise the pH? Do I even need to? 2) How do I raise the water hardness? Can I do this via the substrate? 3) I'm thinking of using coral rock down the track - what effect will that have? However, I'd rather not rely on that -I want to get the values correct using other means first - because this rock could be quite some time away. The plan of the tank is to have a white sandlike base, with stones on top - changing these to coral rock in the future. Thank you for any advice!
Yeah, I need to start doing research on how to do the actual tank set up, but I was thinking of white substrate (the stuff that raises ph and hardness) and white coral rock? Obviously some shells for the shellies.
So, what could my stocking look like? Something like this? 4 Electric Yellows (1 male + 3 female) 1 Peacock A couple of shellies? Any others that I should add to the mix? Any other ideas? Thanks for any advice
Hey, The lumphead looks cool. Thanks for the advice but I'm looking for a very 'cichlidie' type of tank (I know that doesn't actaully make sense. I have actually kept an Oscar, Rams, and I have Angels and Kribs. So, I'm more interested in those vibrant active cichlids, like the electric yellows and dems. The saulosi look cool.
Awesome - got some google pics to show the wife. What's a lumphead I can look up? I got such massive variety of fish when I searched. Are there any blue fish that could go with the yellows in a tank that size? Makes a nice contrast (even if its a lone specimen). I might very well take you up on your offer - the weekend maybe? If you're keen can you PM me Thank you
Thanks guys, Te Atatu. The tank is that shape because I had it made to fit on top of a low bookcase. I'll start looking up those fish you guys mentioned. Could you give me some kind of stocking idea? So, I have a rough idea of numbers and what can go with what? i.e. 6 yellows 6 dems 2 shellies Obviously I'm just making numbers up... Also, if they're abbreviations, could you give me the full name, for when I google I appreciate your help :bounce:
Hey guys, I'm looking to start my first cichlid tank - and am only just starting the research process. Is it possible for me to have a cichlid tank of this size? It is 120(long)x25(deep)x40(high) I'd be looking for small, colourful and active fish - but I'm not yet up to speed in terms of fish names, sizes, behaviour compatibility etc. So I would love any advice regarding what I could put into a tank of this size. Thank you very much!
Thanks for the replies. I'm pretty keen on keeping this low maintenance, so discus is out. Angels aren't a bad idea, but for some reason I like to have 'one' of a fish in tank, in amongst schooling species. Still, something to consider. If I went the corys and tiger barbs route, how many should I get for moderate stocking? Also, is it worth having more than two kribs? i.e can you keep several, or do they get too territorial? Cheers
Hey guys, I have an established moderate/heavy planted tank, that I'm still adding plants to. It is: 385litres (120x48x60) One 50% WC a month. Current stock: 10 Tiger Barbs 3 Bristlenose 2 Kribs 1 Redtail Shark 1 Angel Everyone seems happy. What are some ideas for fish to add? I was thinking a couple more bristlenose and eight or so corys? What else can people think of?
Yeah. That's definitely the stuff, but it is not the same growth that is growing on top of the crypt? Thanks for the responses guys. Just a couple more questions ;p 1) How will overdosing ferts help? And how much is 'overdosing' compared to my regular regime? Won't there be a chance of algae growth with extra ferts? 2) Is the 1.3 wpg enough for that tall tank to grow swords, albeit slowly? Cheers!
This is the stuff around the crypts - it is quite prolific,c oming out of the ground around each crypt, and in the space between each crypt. It is a dark green, almost brown. It is also coming out of one crypt trunk (this crypt has no leaves). This is it coming out of the trunk/stem, rather than the substrate: And this is another algae, growth like thing that I found (aren't I lucky): I'm hoping that is java fern propagating - it look like new leaves with roots growing out of the original leaf - but the root is fuzzy with algae? I'm off to bed - so I'm not being rude if I don't respond until tomorrow. Thanks for your help guys.
Yeah - hopefully it is fine either way. I'm hoping/assuming that some of the dodgy looking plants in the big tank are just suffering from having been moved. Thanks for your response
Nitrates are fine. Maybe I'll need to get a phosphate kit - phosphate can also cause BBA right? How do you lower phosphates? Thanks for your help! :bounce:
Hi guys, Sorry, this is going to be a massive post with poor quality photos I would love your help! I have some minor issues with my two tanks. Since some changes in my life, I decided to change my tanks to low maintenance set ups. Currently I do one water change a month, and some weekly dosing. I want to try to maintain this workload while making the tanks look good. TANK ONE This tank is a 120L, long, thin tank that has undergone several changes. It was originally a glosso and stem tank, before becoming swords, crypts and ferns. Everything was going swimmingly until a BBA outbreak - to fix it, I started using DIY CO2 - this made the ferns boom, and I got sick of trimming them and so yanked them. Immediately following this my crypts melted and my swords starting developing brown areas on the leaves. Firstly, why did ripping the ferns have such an adverse effect on the other plants and why has my sword developed brown spots? I have also noticed that my swords are now growing rapidly compared to before. Maybe because they get more light now? Before ripping the ferns: After: Lights: 80W T8 7000k on for 4hours on, 2hours off, 4hours on Base: 1 year old Flourite. Dose: 5ml of Flourish Comprehensive weekly 10ml of Excel on remaining BBA weekly Maintenance: Monthly 50% WC, no vac - will vac during this period of light foliage. Fauna: 1 Platy, 1 Bristlenose, 9 Neons, 6 Guppies, 1 SAE, 5 Bronze Cories, a few Snails And I am left with the following algae/weed problems: 1) Notice the brown 'grass' that is growing up beneath the crypt. What is it and how do I rid myself of it? 2) The sword- it has brown markings, plus it has a threadlike weed growing from it? 3) I'm not sure if you can see this, but the java fern has a long fine like substance growing on it, that has small offshoots on it - if I pull this 'vine' more and more of it will sluice off into my hand. Do you know what it is and how I can get rid of it? TANK TWO!! This was an Oscar tank that I am in the process of converting to a planted tank (started two-three weeks ago). First the pics: Lights: 3x6500 T5HO (I think they are Hagen Life Glo) - about 6hours at the moment, gradually increasing to 8 over the next two weeks Base: Daltons, Sand, Pebbles Dosing: Nothing at the moment - will gradually go to 15ml of Flourish Comprehensive. No CO2 Maintenance: 50% WC per month, gentle monthly vacs until planted heavily. Fauna: 10 Tiger Barbs, 2-3 Bristlenose, 1 Redtail Shark - thinking of some Bosemani and/or Gourami in the future. Maybe kribs. Zebra loaches and maybe cories. Questions: 1) Why has my sword deteriorated so much - the other swords look either healthy, or not so bad? 2) Why have some of my java fern gone dark brown in the middle, but some are fine? 3) Is my ~1.3WPG of T5 enough to grow those swords, considering its a tall tank? Or should I look at some other options? Phew! Thank you very much for any assistance!!!