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Everything posted by bobo

  1. Cheers a bunch Sam. Can't tell the bulb right now - I can't actually make out the writing because it is on the wrong side of the bulb as such. Not really sure of the difference between a tube and a bulb.... looks like both to me... I will post wattage tomorow - won't be back on forum tonight. Again, thanks for your help.
  2. I did look for it, but I didn't see it - will check again later. Cheers
  3. Cheers Sam! Some night time reading
  4. I chucked some more questions in the above post... just didn't come out in a different colour. I try edit now
  5. Had a quick read. Your tank looks great, and I think I already learned a little... hehe. Are fish fine in the water when it's cloudy? i.e. it's only a aesthetics problem? Will look up Sam's when I have some reading time later. Cheers!
  6. Cheers mate, appreciate you taking oyur time. P.S. does everybody have a scrolling bug on this forum? Whereby when you have typed quite a bit, it won't stay scrolled down?
  7. Thanks for the replies guys, appreciate it. Just gonna respond to a couple of you:
  8. Hey guys, More questions I have a 60l tank. At the moment it has quite a few plants in it, but I would like to become more expert in this area, and plant it more densely. I don't have heaps of money, so want to get good results for the budget I have. I was thinking of spending ~$20 a week on bits and pieces for the tank- i.e. gradually building the tank up as a bit of a project. The tank has in it: 1 Dwarf Gourami 2 Platies (1 tiny one) 3 Harlequin Barbs 3 Neon Tetras Plants Log I plan on adding more fish once a pH issue I have has sorted itself out. The tank was bought from HFF, as a package, and has a light built into the lid (it says 240V 50Hz, don't know if that helps - there are other labels). I think I have a fairly poor substrate - just have some standard multi-hued gravel. With planting, most plants have done fine, except for any thin 'stalky' ones that you plant in bunches. Would anyone be able to tell me the first steps of improving this aquarium? I was thinking I should take out the substrate and put a new one in? What other stuff should I get? Nutrients etc? Not really interested in how fast the stuff grows, as long as it does. Can I take plants from local streams? Not dangerous for the environment, for the fish, etc? Can these plants survive in warm water? Not only would it be cheaper, I actually think it would make for an interesting tank and that they would be fun to collect I appreciate any help! Cheers BoBo Tank:
  9. Thanks Cricket. I'll experiment a little with having the log in and out and see if the pH goes through any shifts, and I'll check with the LFS in redards to the water hardness. Cheers matey
  10. Thanks for all the replies guys. I'll start doing the small water changes you recommended cookie and I'll get the PH up to around 7. I have removed the log , so I guess I'll see if that is casue based on whether or not the pH drops again. Cricketman, what's GH and KH - are they measurements to do with h20 hardness? I can take some water to the store for them to test- is soft water a problem? Also, will my Bristleneose be happy with having splinters to munch on, since he no longer has a log? The splinters are roughly finger sized. Again, thanks for all the advice! BoBo
  11. Hmmmmmm. Might have to... Cheers for the advice guys
  12. I change ~33% weekly. The harlequin and neons were long term fish - one died immediatly after I shifted house - so I kind of expected it and could put it down to natural attrition. The Siamese we had for three months or so( pretty religiously). The gourami a few days. His mate is absolutely fine - seems pretty happy in fact... The log has been there for the duration of the tank, two years.
  13. Thank you for the prompt replies guys. I was under the impression that the PH might be the issue, since it was the only 'abnormal' result (it comes out of the tap at 7.2). I was told at the LFS that the log would be the cause, what could some other possibilities be? The log was a substantial piece of wood - roughly the length of a forearm and quite bulky. I have had four fish die recently: 1 neon and 1 harlequin - dead - no visible symptoms. 1 Siamese Fighter (young) - got a massively curved spine and seemed miserable for quite some time before I euthanased (wasn't eating or moving, tried peas etc), and I replaced him with two dwarf gouramis, one of which got sick within a couple of days, laying on his side at the bottom of the tank, his eyes started getting bigger and bigger, like they were going to pop; he seemed to be on death's door for quite some time, so I euthanased him today Anyway, it's pretty depressing watching fish die in your care, so was hoping the PH was the problem - it being easier to sort out. NZ Cookie - once I have the PH stabalised, would it be possible to add the driftwood again, or will I head in the same direction - after adding a little coral, etc? I do like my log! I was going to buy an artificial one, but it isn't quite the same. Thanks for the hint re: baking soda, Sam. Will a few small fragments of wood keep the Bristlenose happy? They are only the size of my fingers? Cheers for your time all, appreciate it BoBo
  14. Hello, I have been keeping my 60L aquarium for a couple of years without any problems... until recently... Currently in the aquarium: - lots of plants 1 dwarf gourami 2 platys (1 is tiny - smaller than a neon) 3 Neons 3 Harlequins Barbs 1 Bristlenose Cat Recently we have had a few deaths (3 or 4 in the last month). So I decided to test the water (never done so before). PH was 6 or below. Ammonia was .125 (barely registered) Nitrite and Nitrate = 0 Apparently the PH is due to my largish log. So I have removed that and started to use some 'PH up' solution. Is there no way I can keep the log, or will the PH continue to fluctuate? Since I have removed it, I have put a couple of finger length fragments back into the water for the BNC to feed on - is this enough for this fish? Are the trace levels of ammonia anything to be concerned about? Should I ever throw away the filter sponge - or should I keep it due to good bacteria? How are my fishstocks at the moment? I don't think I am overstocked but wanted to check. I wouldn't mind adding a few more once I have the water sorted. Thank you in advance for any help! Much appreciated! Cheers BoBo
  15. Thanks guys, the plants didn't come with names, but they look good though I have chucked em in and will pull em as they die. Thanks!
  16. Cheers Supasi, Sounds promising. It was a bunch of plants, unnamed for a cheap price... hehe... you can hardly call me the discerning buyer. Apparently they will come with names, and notes on care. So once I have those, hopefully on Monday, I post again. I just didn't want to poison my fish. Thanks a bunch - I'll update this later. BoBo
  17. Hey guys, I am new to the aquarium game, and newer to the plant game. In my excitement i bought some plants off trademe the other day, without fully reading the description; I have just realised what I was sold were 'coldwater aquatic plants', whereas i actually have a tropical tank. Is this an issue? Will it kill my fish? Can I use the plants, but it's just not ideal conditions for them? I haven't actually received the plants yet (think I get them on Monday). Cheers for any help! BoBo
  18. Thanks for the help guys. I have another stupid question I have an opaline gouramis and a male siamese fighter in my tank. I have them separated by a partition. The partitiion has a small enough gap to allow the smaller, non aggressive fish to pass into the siamese's side of the tank. However, the siamese managed to escape(easily mendable) onto the side containing the gouramis. The gouramis shows a lot of interest in him, occasionally flicking his "feelers" at him, and he seems to snap a the water behind the siamese who then swims off. However, he doesn't seem to have actually bitten him. Do you think it is worth seeing if these to can cohabit without the partition, or do you think the gouramis behaviour is a precursor to some serious chewing? cheers
  19. bobo

    one more?

    thanks guys, if i was too cut down, what would be an appropriate sized population? If I changed the two Bristlenoses, to smaller algae eaters, plus removed one of the schools (either neons or tetras), would that be more balanced? I take it I shouldn't remove two neons and two tetras because they are happy in larger groups?
  20. bobo

    one more?

    thanks, I may get the new filter. Is the siamese fighter a concern with a stronger filter? I was under the, maybe erroneous, impression they aren't keen on strong currents?
  21. bobo

    one more?

    thanks bastables, i'm pretty sure it is the middle one of those.
  22. bobo

    one more?

    thanks guys, i have no idea whether my filter is any good, it's an 'EHEIM', and it is a large box like contraption, containing foam inside, with an adjustable flow. can't really give any more info than that since I'm clueless cheers for the help
  23. bobo

    one more?

    Hiya, new to all this and I suspect I have an overstocked tank. I have three questions. It is a 60 litre tank and contains 5 neons, 5 harlequin tetras, two mollies (yellow female, white male), a opaline gouamis, 2 bristle nose cats, and a male siamese that I keep partitioned(all the smaller fish can go back and forth). (1) Now I have heard the bristle noses become quite large and I'll have to remove them at that point? What I really wanted to know: could I add another female Molly to divert that male molly's aggression. My current female is constantly chased by the male (lol). He doesn't bite her. (2) Would adding one more female molly make any real negative difference in this currently overstocked tank? The fish seem happy and healthy(tank has been up a couple of months), and I change approx 10L of water each week. (3) What are the pros and cons of plants? Currently I have several plants in the tanks, some of which are in good condition, others which need to be replaced. Should I have natural plants or artificial? Thanks in advance for the help
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