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Everything posted by FineArtist

  1. I am very keen to see what types of Killies you have... so please post away. CHEERS
  2. 22litre tank ~ what wonderful fish should I add? I have two tanks… 135 and a 22 litre tank…. What in your opinion is a good fish to add to the 22 litre
  3. As a super beginner I have been sold stuff in pet stores that are INCORRECT to my needs and therefore have been given the wrong information. I understand everyone has their own experiences and views, as everyone is entitled to have. I like this site as people ARE trying to help the best way they can. 8) Sadly I do not have the time to read books on this subject but I always respect what people have to say, as I have to trust they meaning well. We can not be perfect at everything… even within our careers. I would like to thank everyone on this site as each one of you help make it what it is. And at the end of the day… It is all about the FISH :bounce:
  4. what the hell !!!! I told the women that when I did the test it was BLUE and alkaline and that I wanted something natural to make it more acid... i have general fish... guppies, tetra, Suckermouth Catfish, neons, etc
  5. I have heard that Limestone is a good natural way to lower the PH... I have tested my PH level and it is BLUE... I want it to be natural the petstore sold me a Cuttlefish. what is it ? and is it better than limestone??? any comments are welcome
  6. thank you all for your honest replies... just as I had thought some people like them some people are wary... I have brought a Ocean Free 130 litre... which still seems too small for my wishes... thank you again. Jo
  7. what does it mean when you have a new tank and it does go green and cloudy?
  8. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =141487757 good product? any comments??? what do you think???
  9. oh that is sad, but a long time !
  10. i second the last question also; these still alive?
  11. I was very lucky to be lent a breeding tank and I have wondered that very same thing.... I have not place her in it yet.... apart from seeing the little babies is there any other way of knowing it is really close to the time? it is not as if she will be calling her midwife and getting her bags ready! cheers Jo
  12. 10. People who are funnier than me.... great list there.
  13. how many hours would you leave the light on for? I am taking about the fluro one which came with the tank - which is under the lid
  14. and a happy little friendship begins Nice helping adodge
  15. I talked with a storeperson who told me they only feed their fish once every two days ... I am using TetraMin Tropical Flakes and have just the general range of common fish, My question to everyone is - how often do you feed your fish? Cheers Jo
  16. I hope it was good morning to you... rather than another stressful scene !
  17. for the record I have brought and used Furan2. because I had been given the correct information before entering into the store... my fear is getting wrong information and buying a product that does not work.... There is alot of research I have to do for this little hobby.
  18. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =140543224 oh sorry, i love frogs... but not that much
  19. are you the person selling these frogs on Tm for $1200? what size do they grow? cheers
  20. it is pretty cool.... it would be really interesting to see these ugly/cute things grow... I am heading out your way on thrusday to work at the NewDowse, if you still need photos I can help out....
  21. ok thanks for the information... clearly I am a beginner... I grew up with fish all my life.. and now I am the one who is dealing with this sort of stuff. My parents had a silver arrowana and other werid looking things, my uncle breeds seahorses... and I stuggle to have a few common fish in my 22 ltr !!!! thanks for your help
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