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Everything posted by Churchmouse

  1. These are great shots.. Is the frog blind in both eyes
  2. Tight squeeze but my guys didn't take long to learn where the best food supply is .Sometimes there is about 8 lined up there ready for a feed...14 froglets now and more morphing..
  3. Nope thats not me. As these are Litoria Aurea (Green and Golden Bell frogs) they will grow to be say approx 60mm for a male and approx 90mm for a female.
  4. Thank you and have to agree they are good looking little critters. I intend to keep the darkest in colour as well as darkest eye colour ones for my breeding program as well as some of the normal ones that I got at the same time as I wouldn't be surprised if they are caring the genes as I believe these are the results of frogs carrying the genes mating not an albino to albino matings. I could be wrong time will tell
  5. Here is a pic of another of my little froglets and the difference with this one is that his red eyes are so much darker than the other ones..Deep deep red. They look almost black but they are not.
  6. Real Bummer.. You put them on display so others can enjoy them and then this sort of thing happens..Sods
  7. Interesting that they are referred to as Albinos then (Livingart you are right.) Funny that the ones with no colour (white) have the black eyes and the yellow ones have the red eyes. Maybe we need to rename them :lol: Lutino frogs
  8. They are Aurea I have no doubt about that. They are the only kind at this site. Maybe Varanophile they look a little diff to yours as they have only just morphed.
  9. Hi Varanophile What makes you think that these might be Raniformis? Where they have come from there is only L Aurea there and here is a pic of a normal one caught at the same time and all the others I have are Aurea's. Certainly no stripe down their backs or warty skins.
  10. If they are a NZ Native Species you must get a written authority from DOC to keep them and you can only get them from others that hold permits not get them from the wild. DOC does have a guide to keeping Lizards on their site.
  11. Broms2 re "wonder why they are all popping up now or have they always been around? " All I can say is that where these came from they were there around 5 years ago and since then they are there some years and others not..Still not easy to find even when you know where they could be.
  12. I am stoked as my albino taddies are morphing and I have my first 2 little froglets and others not far behind. I will try and see if I can post some pics..The one on the wall still has a little stump of a tail to absorb but both are going well and a big strong froglets..
  13. Oops Sorry Caryl I forgot the y in your name
  14. Hi Carl...No they are not they all have their own ponds or terranians.
  15. Thought it was about time I introduced myself. I have lurked here for awhile and find this forum a great place to learn and you folk seem real friendly. I keep a variety of goldfish, frogs, etc. Looking forward to getting to know you all.
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