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Everything posted by georgeous

  1. Dont have the two media separters (sp :roll: )(7274050) but do have a basket thing for it to go in.
  2. Hi there, I have been having problems with my second-hand external filter, an Eheim 2213. The impeller shaft is vibrating lke crazy and making the actual impeller whack into it's 'housing'. It isn't pumping at all. Could anyone help at all?? Its really starting to annoy me :evil: Cheers, George
  3. Thanks, have decided not to glue, and will use MDF, then ply as the other piece is currently being used as shelving.
  4. I have a spare piece of 16mm MDF. Would this be suitable to go under the ply? Also, what glue would you use?
  5. 96L (not yet set up) and a 56L. Oh and my frogy house (no frogs yet :oops: )
  6. Thanks for that Warren, but I can't understand a thing :lol: Care to explain at all?
  7. Will do that as soon as the sun comes out :roll: It's had a bit off a rain today unfortunately
  8. mmm blocks are still wet, apart from two, any ideas how to dry them out?? We are currently using a hairdryer :roll:
  9. Hope youll be evolving into a Garados soon :lol:
  10. Ok, have been out and bought 6 blocks and a 1/4 sheet of 9mm, 5 ply, ah, ply. Blocks are unfortunately wet, and are currently drying in the carport. I will stick some MDF under each tower to help spread the weight. Have also sandpapered down the ply, so just gota wait for the blocks to dry out and the final O.K. from The Allpowerful, Allknowing Mother ( :roll: ) Can't decide if I want to upgrade the Angels or not. Will go for a look at silica sand soon. Sounds expensive :roll:
  11. I get it, you think I was talking about the a single layer of 19mm ply, but I was tanlking about two 9mm sheets on top of each other. Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?? Seeing as the ply won't bend (because the glass goes all over the sheet, and the glass doesn't bend) won't pretty much any thickness do?? Cheers, George
  12. ow just saw that.. but you get what i mean (water level if you dont )
  13. Awesome well done I wouldnt bother with suction cups, if you have the wate rlvel low enough. Or you could stick some polystyrene under each cage to keep it up.
  14. So you think that how thick will be thick enough
  15. I think I have it now. So are you assuming that I will glue the two sheets together??
  16. Ok... so what is 9 times 2?? Im confuzled
  17. :-? so is this the double up, 2 sheets of 9mm ply, or the ply with MDF (it isn't MDF anyway I don't think) underneath??
  18. Awesome, but isn't that 18mm
  19. Yep, but wouldn't 6 be better than 5 Or won't that happen?
  20. Man... man. That would be cool, but mum jus expects me to do good in school anyway :roll: And I got work as well. not fair
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