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Everything posted by vavoli

  1. The only thing different about that corner is that it's the corner that's closest to me lol... They can see me and think i'm gonna feed em' again... And they have lots of plants in there they're very spoilt... Two really good filters and bubbles every now and then too. I guess they're just bored?
  2. I currently have... 7 neons 6 black phantoms 1 danio (had 4 to begin with...) 1 swordtail (had 2 to beging with...) 1 tiny bristlenose 4 guppies 65 L tank
  3. Hey folks, Does anyone else's goldfish always hang out in one corner? Mine are always swimming in one corner as though they're always hungry... So i'll feed them their daily feed as always and they'll swim around happily for about ten mins then go back to their corner and look at me with those googly eyes like they want more food... They're perfectly healthy but not sure about happy. Any ideas?? :-?
  4. Ahh i see... I guess i was changing it too much then... Maybe i'll have little strips of filter wool hanging on the line haha, what would my flatmate think? >.> Ok thanks for your help, i'll be sure to be a "cheap ass" too ^^
  5. Mr. Sucky is about 1.5 cm long if that... He's so cute.. I don't think his poop would do much damage to the tank... I will do that, thank you ^^
  6. Smart ass. I'm asking for help because IN THE PAST i've never had any trouble, and now in the last 2 weeks i've had all those fish die. :evil:
  7. There are pictures of my fish and tank under the "Freshwater Aquariums" bit if you want to see...
  8. That's a good idea, thank you. In the tank i'm talking about ---> neons, harleys, black phantoms, 1 sucky aka: pleco, guppies, swordtail (his friend died), danio (his friend died too). That's it. Very average everyday fish but i love them all the same ><
  9. Tank has been set up for ages, over a year. Have NEVER had any problems with any of my fish.. I've kept goldfish for about 5 years and never once had one die or get sick. I've never had any tropical fish die either except when i had to put one of the danio's to sleep which was devistating!!! and then i had a swordtail die overnight for unknown reasons... then my fighter died too, and a baby angel >< So i'm not really sure what's going on... I don't know why they'd be stressed, they're loved to bits >< How would stress cause the fins to be bad? You mean stress = lowered immune system = fin rot?
  10. Uhhh it's not at the end of the fins, it's at the base on the actual skin but it surrounds the fin itself. It's hard to see since Harley's are so tiny :roll: It's not actually bleeding into the water as such, it's just rather red looking. And i noticed before another one of the harley's top (dorsal??) fins is kinda laying flat and looks red too >
  11. The carbon just came with the filter, it's inside the bit with the wool stuck to it. Quite an odd design... There is a plastic tray in front of the woolly bit which has little plastic sticks on it, kinda like a stiff, short plastic hairbrush with thick noodley things... So that is for the "beneficial bacteria" and i only clean that thinger every month or so since i know it's got the good guys in there.
  12. Well they're just aquaone external filters, the "hang-on" ones. They come with two thingee's you slide in... one is a good bug breeder thinger kinda like ceramic worm things... the other just has carbon and wool on it... but i put extra filter wool in because i just don't think the tiny amount on there does the trick... But that's helpful, ty
  13. What do you mean? Why would i be testing you? Lol... I've just always changed the wool each time i do a water change... And then i read in someone elses thread somewhere on this site that they "later realised they shouldn't have changed the filter wool before letting the tank settle again".... and since i'm bit of a noob at this i though i'd ask... =)
  14. Hey folks, I was just wondering if someone could give me some advice on how often i should change the filter wool in my "hang-on" filters?? It gets rather yuk after a week of sucking up plant matter and poop so i usually just biff it, as rinsing it just leaves it all gluggy and not as nice an fluffy as new stuff >.> Is this bad? Thanks
  15. Hey folks... I just noticed one of my 6 Harlequin Rasbora's side fins is bleeding It's at the base of the fin, there just looks like a red area around it like blood under the skin, but it's not actually under the skin, it looks like it's on top. He's all pasty looking at looks generally unhappy... I had to put one of my Danio's to sleep recently due to (what i am pretty sure was) fish TB so i've been paranoid that my other fish will get sick. I've been carefully inspecting all my fish every day since then and have seen no problem. I just did a water change just now so the lack of colour may be due to being chased around the tank with a siphon... But the other Harley's are back to normal... I have some Melafix on the way but i don't have an isolation tank... Will adding Melafix to the community tank affect the fish that aren't sick? Any help appreciated! Love Vavoli
  16. vavoli


    It's going to be on the 6 o'clock news tonight, TV3. From what I saw, the tank does look a little bigger than the picture, however still small and very cruel
  17. Also, is that fishie TB contagious?
  18. My Danio is sick, he's a weird shape, looks bent over like an old man and isn't eating at all. He's moving really slow compared to the other Danio. The other one is fat and fast but this one looks sad. His fins arn't as long and pretty as the other one It's not fin rot, they just look bent and weird. He moves slower than the guppy now and used to be the fastest in the tank! Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated!
  19. Hello, I was told recently that putting this Indian Almond Leaf thinger into your betta tank helps them to grow big and strong with gleaming scales and healthy body etc etc... What does it do? Where do you get it from? How long do you leave it in the tank? I've tried googlin' it but can't get anything except "popular for keeping betta fish" -.- Thanks lots Vav
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