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Everything posted by vavoli

  1. Hey folks, I'm thinking about selling my beloved tank I've spent an obscene amount of time and money on the damn thing but am finding i just don't have the time to truly appreciate my scaly creatures anymore. If you have the time, i'd appreciate anyones opinion on how much i should ask for it... Here's what i have... 180L tank (approx :oops: ) with light hood and stand Fluval 204 filter with spare connections and pipes 2 big air-pump with hosing and bendy bubble wall (30cm) 100w heater Seachem PH alert Glass thermometer HEAPS of standard val Couple of twisted val 5 or so indian ferns 3 giant amazon swords 2 giant healthy java ferns well n' truly stuck to a mighty hunk of driftwood about 45cm long Java moss growing to upper part of wood Some lillypad kind of plant A grassy flax like plant about 20cm tall, recently got mowed haha About 10 small dwarf sagi 2 leopard danio's 3 full grown male guppies, all rather fetching gentlemen 10 or so baby guppes about 1cm long 1 bristlenose about 6cm long 1 whiptail catfish about 7cm long 4 black phantoms 4 silvertips 12 or so neons 4 harlequins The occasional pesky snail -.- Hood is in OK condition, has ducktape stuck to it to stop it falling in when the cats jump up onto it -.- Glass is a little scratched but not horribly noticable Filter works like a charm, as does the heater and pump... The stand is about 1m tall and has tinted glass pop-open doors and is in pretty good nic... Any suggestions would be sweet! Thank you
  2. That works too I just did what i thought might work and it did ^^
  3. You asked if they're attatched to the root, i assume you meant the driftwood?? They've kinda grown onto them, but just get a bit of soft string (i used a thin shoelace haha) and gently (not too tight) tie them on where you want them to grow and they just do their thing But they have to be tied on otherwise they annoyingly float just above the driftwood haha >< Good luck with your fern ^^
  4. I have a tank full of community fish, and i have about 10 baby guppies that have survived being eaten and sucked up the filter... So there'll be ones that will survive =)
  5. Haha L33T = leet... like elite... haha I've had the tank for about a year now and have always been passionate about getting good plants... I think i've spent at least $300 on plants in that time and am constantly changing things around to look different =) But the java fern had doubled in size since i got it a few months ago and the rest has grown fast or is relatively new =) My partner has some kind of wonderful stuff he gave me to put in tank, makes plants go crazy
  6. Wooo will do that next week when i clean the filter again Get my scrub wire thinger in there ^^ Thanks heaps :bounce:
  7. I love you so much right now THANK YOU!!!
  8. Hello! I'm here in a state of desperation and major frustration as my Fluval 204 seems to be having trouble... Ok, took it apart as per normal and cleaned it thoroughly... Put it all back together as normal but it's not pulling the water through... The water level is just jumping around in the input pipe but not getting any further than beyond the water level outside of the pipe. The filter itself is making it's normal struggling "lemme at it!" kind of noises and i'm pumping away at the starter thingee... The output occasionally spits out a few drops of water but that's about it. I always fill the canister with water before plugging it in so i don't have to pump it all in from the tank... Anybody have any suggestions?? I've pulled it apart about 4 times now to check the impeller is in properly and it seems to be... Please help!!
  9. Bad news =( My cat jumped up on top of the tank, the light hood fell in, Mr. Pinky got stuck in the stargrass and drowned I just about cried but had to restrain myself! Not nice coming home from a hard day at work to find Mr. Pinky on his side >< He had a nice couple of weeks with me though... RIP Mr. Pinky!
  10. Hey guys, thought I'd put one up just to be cool like the rest of ya! *ahem* Here you have me and my neko Momo =) Smoking in the St. James toilets >.> Naughty... Momo == Hai, that is all...
  11. Surprisingly the last two at the LFS's
  12. hehe ok... not sure just yet.. i'll give it a proper think over one day soon and i'm sure i'll let ya all know 8)
  13. Thanks for the advice I've got a seperate tank for him all set up, just waiting on a new heater then he'll be in his own 29L tank... Spoilt bugger! I thought he'd be the one chasing the guppies but i'll keep a look out And appologies for the incredibly shit quality of the video's... Taken on my phone haha >
  14. This is my pink man i got a couple of days ago... Youtube link: BEWARE: The video's are terrible quality as i took them on my phone which is already bad quality... Yep >< That's all
  15. Here's a few more... Can't stop taking pics of him And here's my partners HM...
  16. Ha, yes... Well thinkin we might let him have a turn with Mrs. Halfmoon but after Mr. Halfmoon has has a turn... Poor lady being pimped out. Oh well.. Good luck with your breeding
  17. :lol: haha, she's pretty... Maybe we could organise something closer to the time, who knows !!
  18. Haha Mark, he was swooning at my partners HM female too which was funny.
  19. Thank you =) Decided to call him Raymond -.- I have 3 Betta's now.. I think it's getting out of control haha... Still more to come though hopefully
  20. Yea, doesn't help that my camera is really old too so they come out slightly fuzzy no matter what! =( But he still looks awesome anyway ^^
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