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Everything posted by BnB

  1. Not in this case don't use moisturiser and i wash my hands and arms without soap before putting hands in the tank
  2. When i do the water change the majority of it goes but within a day or 2 it's back, oh yeah i also have been using a ceiling fan in the room as it's been damn hot lately. Do water changes at least once a week usually twice a week though bout 30 to 40 litres each time. I may be over feeding the fish a lil as i am still getting used to the tank and it's occupants but in saying that i don't see much wasted food. It's been running about 8 weeks now
  3. Hi Stella Thanks for the reply. The tank does have a lid well 3 pieces of glass just how the tank comes. But cause it's a 3 piece lid that means there are a few gaps also. so it must be getting in there. May have to look at making a wooden hood or something i seen a post in the DIY section. Anyone had a go at making one of these? (i'd be a silly boy if i had no lid with hatchet fish in my tank)
  4. Hi all, Just a lil worried as i seem to have some film in the newest tank. This tank houses my hatchets, and although they seem all good i would rather the film be gone. I have tried dragging the paper over the surface, but doesnt totally clear up. I have a external filter running (fluval 204) tanks 200L should i maybe also add an internal filter as well? This tank has glass lids 3 piece which is a pain. Have 3 other tanks which dont have any problems but the have hoods. Maybe i need to get a hood made for this tank
  5. BnB

    RRP of hatchet fish

    Cool, Good luck to you. Do you have a few hatchets?
  6. BnB

    RRP of hatchet fish

    Bugger, They must be tiny fry then So are they mainly wild caught?
  7. BnB

    What plants??

    EuroView 90. Tank Size:90cm x 48cm x 50cm I got one of those super classical light setups the tubes were quite purple so i took one out and put a 20w t8 powerglo in it. Brightens it up alot better that along with one of the purplish tubes that came with it which is 18w.
  8. BnB

    RRP of hatchet fish

    Yeah they are. The silver ones are all over the place be cool when i have more than 2. I remember when i got my first tank thats the type of fish that caught my eye. Finally got some after 2 years. Anybody know anything about breeding them?
  9. Hey guys. Just wondering if any of you can help me out. I'm after some tall plants for the aquarium and am wondering if i could get names of some of the hardier ones out there also is there any they can just float on the surface? For my tropical tank. Thanks
  10. BnB

    RRP of hatchet fish

    Kewl sounds like i got some deals then. I also got 6 marbles for $20 each yesterday they were $22.95 I said i will take them all for $20 each Be after more silvers shortly cause 2 looks sad. I reckon i can get them for $14 each still. Well hopefully
  11. As title states was just wondering what they usually go for. Marble and silver. I have 2 silver ones as thats all they had left that day and got them for $14 for both (2 for 1) Is that the going rate for the silver ones? Also anyone know if they can be breed in tanks? Cheers
  12. hmmm i think i will flag it. Discus arent the cheapest of fish to be taking gambles with eh. We just got the parrot fish about a month ago from redwood Seen them at pet world too. white and blue ones. Its hard going in that shop you just want to save them all
  13. Would this be a good combination? The parrot fish is quite small at the moment and is in a planted tank And no he isnt causing havoc with the plants, he or she is rather tame at the moment So should i risk it or flag it Thanks
  14. Hey Jo I thought you said you were gonna keep an eye on her and save most the bubbas. just kidding, it is hard to notice sometimes, a few time i only caught it cause i was doing a gravel clean and i noticed them getting sucked up the hose. Nice pic by the way.
  15. I got a good deal on silver hatchets. I got 2 for $14 from the sale and i had a $10 voucher so cost me $4 for two silver hatchets. I was stoked. Would have liked more but they were the last 2 . Whats this i hear about the fish picture taking could i enter? Got an awesome lil parrot fish i wanna take some pics of also got some big big blue mystery snails, can you enter them?
  16. Hi all got myself a new tank the other day the euroview 90 200L i soaked the filter media in some established tank water can't remember if this speeds up the cycling process so can someone confirm plz. Anyhow was think of putting semi aggressive fish in when it's ready. Don't want cichlids. only thing i have in mind so far are some sort of barb. so anyone with any ideas i'd love to hear. Also the light i got is purple is this alright for plants and the fish? Would it bring out the colour of the fish? my smaller tank has one white and one blue which seems to be a good combo thanks all
  17. Very nice, Hope mine survive it's there second attempt. My bolivians have Spawned a few times with good sucess now i'm after some gold rams. Good luck with that and if you have any tips i'd be happy to hear
  18. Hiya, What type of rams have you got? My blue rams just laid eggs last night
  19. cheers for a quick reply? Just curious what ended up being dominant
  20. Will angel fish and bolivian rams be alright in the same tank?
  21. We are just new to this and are breeding Bolivian rams and Guppies although they werent intended hehe
  22. Nope he didnt make it. But now i'm worried about the other one's we have some lampeye's, female guppies and a sword tail in there at the moment. i think it's either the lampeyes or guppies. unless it was a bad fish that i had bought that already had some sort of problem
  23. We only got him yesterday afternoon so i'm thinking one of the other fish has got to him. He's a emerald eye rasbora. Can fish tail's grow back? And how big do these fish grow they are only small fish at the moment so hoping thats not them fully grown
  24. Have a few problems with my fishies at the moment. My Siamese Fighter has like some white fungus around his lower fin and a few white spots here and there. Seems to be making it so he can't spread them out. Any help with this would be great i have Furan 2 but would have to treat the whole tank. He is in isolation at the moment. will try post a pic shortly. Healthy rex Sick Rex The guppies don't seem to be doing to well either. Although they look fine i have had 2 of my males die in a couple of days. Maybe i just can't look after them as there are no signs of any problems the 2 that have died don't seem to chase the females as much and hang out on there own then they lay on the bottom of the tank and next thing they are dead. Females seem fine. What could this be? BTW... Also posted this in Disease section
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