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Everything posted by ctsniper86

  1. I've tried food but he doesn't seem to want to come out. He just sticks his head out a bit. and even if I pull it out of the water he stay in there, thats how he got to the holding tank originally. I couldn't find him and saw him the next morning with his head poking out in the holding tank.
  2. Help me!!!! I recently stripped my tank back and cleaned it out and washed the stones and re scaped it. When i did this i put all the fish in a large 4 foot holding tank, with my plants floating on the top and my ornaments just sitting on the bottom. My fire ell has found a hidey hole in my castle ornament, its big enuf that he can get in and turn around. I have returned all my other fish to the original tank except the fire eel who is still in his hidey hole. there is no room for the castle in the tank and i need to get the fire eel out to move him to the main tank. Any ideas how i can get the eel out?
  3. Well this has made a good discussion but my dad has managed to track down an old tank from when he had his pet shop, so i've put him in that all by himself. Don't think i could kill it by hitting it, but i don't have to for now.
  4. I think the freezer sounds most humane, I imagine that they sort of just go into a deep sleep like we would if we were in the a really cold freezer and not wake up. Sounds nicer than beating them round the head.
  5. Yep have asked both the one in town and the one in the neighbourghing town, both look at me and said nope, don't do convicts. Acted sorta like it was a nasty word.
  6. I have a convict chiclid in my tank and he is reeking havock all over. I have tried to give him away, but no one round these parts wants him and I don't have anywhere else to put him. I really want to be humane with him/her but it just has to go. Whats a humane way to kill it?
  7. I have 4 tiger barbs I got two small ones from the store, a male and female to breed, haven't got round to it yet. I was later given another two larger females by a friend.
  8. about 14 guppies, then a male and female tiger barb that chased each other round and the neons, the pleco and the angel and two more barbs and the dward gourami, the bronze cory and the khuli loach and the convict, the danios and the blue gourami and the black ghost, the silver shark and the algae eater. anything i've missed? each set was added about two weeks after the one before.
  9. I have a feeling it the algae eater, i did see him munchin down on one of the dead guppies but wasn't sure if he did the killing or was having a free snack. the convict is the bully of the tank, everything else is really cruisy together. the angel is about 2ish inches long and 4ish inches from top to bottom.
  10. I've read thru the post on the video page and it seems he didn't reuse the air that is pumped, but some people thought he had a sort of pressure valve on the top of the top tank and that it let the air out but not in, like some one way valve.
  11. Anyone ever made one of these? I can't find any designs online.
  12. I don't think its the barbs, bcos i have 3 female and one male and he's constanly chasing them. they just float round together
  13. I have a tank 1.22x50x37cm and I started with a few guppies in it, I have since added over time, an angel, 4 tiger barbs, a small convict, 5 tetra's, 2 bronze cory's, 2 khuli loaches, 3 honey dwarf gourami, 2 blue gourami, an algae eater, 5 leopard danios, black ghost knife, common plec and a silver shark. Tank was fine for 3 weeks or so and then my guppies started to be murdered by something, everyday at lunch, I'd come home from work at lunch and fine a couple of dead guppies sitting on the bottom of the tank. I can't figure out who's the manic guppy killer, the angel goes into hunting mode at night and sifts around under the surface watching the fish on the surface once the lights go off, but he's always done that and he never killed anything before. The black ghost knife is only small about 10cm long. As for the convict i'm trying to get rid of him but he just seems to chase everything around. Who do you think is the manic guppy killer?
  14. I think they're breeding in my comunity, or spawning at least. I believe i have 1 male and 3 females, two are a larger size. He has a very orange nose and fins and chases the 2 larger females around the tank, and the other barbs follow them like a bad smell. Sometimes they sort of stop and shake next to each other down near the bottom of the tank, and then the other barbs shoot forward and sort of like nip at the gravel or plant in the area. Are they spawing? Should I put them in a tank alone? I read that they spawn in the mornings
  15. I've seen that you can get "moon" lights for marine tanks that allow you to watch the nocturnal habits of the fish etc. Would this work on a freshwater tank for nocturnal fish?
  16. At the moment in my planted community tank i've got 5 neons, some ammount of guppies ~ 13, 4 tiger barbs, large pleco, 4 honey dwarf gourami, and an angel that is looking for a new home.
  17. Awesome, I'll visit them all. We don't have an animates here. Only got critters the local pet store which has tropicals, pet essentials, and maries pet and garden centre which I wouldn't personally buy from as the tanks all look really grotty and uncared for.
  18. Hey guys, I'm heading to levin 2morrow and am wanting to stop and have a look at any LFS along the way. On friday when I come back thru I can buy any fish. So if anyone knows of any LFS between New Plymouth and Levin let me know. Thanks Ben
  19. Help I have a coldwater octopus in my coldwater marine tank. What do I feed this thing?
  20. That looks great Wish I could afford a set up like that. Oh well I suppose in time.
  21. That looks great. Hope mine turns out as good as yours. Where'd you get the wood?
  22. So i'd need to have this set up above my tank?
  23. Yeah I found this one http://www.ultimatereef.net/forums/show ... 979&page=6 But i don't understand how it works? which end do you put the power head on?
  24. Just wondering if anyone has designed a tide generator for a tidal pool tank? Would be great to be able to have some rocks out of the water at low tide (tank half full) and have everything under water at the high tide.
  25. well thats extremely handy, I think I might have to see if i cann set one up this weekend. Its not so hard for me to do, the beach and rock pools are basically on the back doorstep.
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