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Everything posted by danilada

  1. I havent been fish keeping for long, ive leanrt: 1. when it comes to fish keeping, read more before filling up a tank and adding heaps of fish staright away, THEY WILL DIE! (yes I know common sense, but I learnt the hard way lol) 2. Also watch when doing gravel cleaning, because Kuhlis are small and get sucked up easily.
  2. Thanks guys, I have a fluval in my big com tank, but have just started cycling my new 60l one for breeding purposes only (guppys and corys) it came with a UG Filter and I don't know much about them, so was wondering if it would be ok with the fish thats in it or should I get an internal as well. I might just cycle it, see how it levels out, add some fish gradualy see how much change etc happens and if its not working out then I might opt to a internal. Are guppys or corys hardy enough for cycling?????
  3. Im abit confused??? Is there much difference between and under gravel filter and an internal filter? If you have a under gravel filter do you need a internal? What if your under gravel does not have carbon, is it useless. Hope this makes sense, I have tried googling it, but its left me more confused??? Thanks Danielle
  4. wow they look like a heap of fun! Neat looking things id say. Thanks 4 the pics 8) great to see what other enthusiasts have
  5. yip, ive just scoop them into it, what next?
  6. I have just noticed eggs with my peppered corys they werent meant to breed yet as im in the middle of building a tank for them?? I haven't read much about breeding them, what should I do now? :oops:
  7. Oh awsome this idea seems to be more greater than I anticipated 8)
  8. Will corys not eat young fry? I thought maybe removing pregnant guppys and put them in a breeding tank until born then remove female, will that not be needed?
  9. thanks its great to know an idea you have could possibly be a winner ive seen your wonderful setup before, i bought a swordtail off you not so long ago and hes doing great
  10. Hi guys, I would like your opinion! I have a crazy idea (starting to develop MTS) and I would like to know, what are the chances on breeding Peppered Corys and Guppys together in one tank?? Which will have all the bits and bobs like java moss etc, would this be very successful?? Thanks Danielle
  11. Thanks guys for all the pointers, now thinking of a second community tank and having more of particular fish :lol: I have a fluval filter, but thats all i know at the moment :oops:
  12. I have a 160L tank (not bad for a newbie ) My list for my tank is: 12 neon tetras {have 9} 6 kuhli loaches {have 3} 1 male betta 2 bleeding hearts 2 peppered corys 1 albino cory {have 1} 5 pearl danio 4 glass catfish 1 angel {have 1} 2 swordtail (males) {have 2} 1 bristlenose (male) {have 1} 4 serpae tetra {have 4} 1 golden algae eater {have 1} 2 emerald barbs {have 2} they dont cause trouble tho 2 dwarf gourmai {have 2} does anyone see any problem with this??? Any comments will be greatly appreciated.
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