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Posts posted by Hoody

  1. How long have you had them?? Some of mine took about 3-4 week's to settle down to a point where they would'nt freak out every time I walked in the room. Give them time if they are new other wise try feeding small amount's very slowly and often

  2. Hmmmmm..........

    Have allready got dwarf's in my 200l. So it's looking like malawi are out of the question, but Tanganyika a possibility??

    Been playing with the idea of getting rid of my discus and going with chiclids, but it's a big call so wanted to give them a got in the spare 2 footer i got.

    Off to google some Tanganyika's..... :wink:

  3. Just sitting normaly? After taking more notice I think it may be more than one, which are not related? Has been happening for about 3-4 week'd now? When they arnt "playing dead" they are swimming around acting normal?

    One thing to note, tank temp has gone up a bit recently (a fair while before this started to happen), could this be a factor??

  4. Lately one of my cory's has been acting strange, it keep's "playing dead"?!

    It seem's to lie in amongst plant's as if it's dead for age's on end then will zip off like normall? I have seen them doing this before but nothing to the extent of lately??

    Any Idea's??? :-?

  5. Looking at setting up a 2ft x 1ft for african's. I know it aint a massive tank but want to give these fish a go. Can anyone suggest fish that will be suitable for a tank of this size?? (If any?!).

    Not 100% sure on filtration at the moment but would prefer to stick with internal. Regular water change's would not be a issue (doing enough on other tank's allready!). Really after something as colourfull as possible that is as active (dig's around ect) as possible??


  6. Can anybody recommend a site (with pic's) to check out what diff conditions look like (pref associated around discus). Dont have any issues with mine but would like to do some study incase something crops up.

    Have tried to do a search on here and google but with no real luck? :oops:

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