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Posts posted by Hoody

  1. The hand basin and toilet ones are silly - no-one spends much time in either room so you'd never see the fish much at all.

    the apple mac one was silly - a cube with fish.

    the wall one is not new - I'd like a wall aquarium one day. The labyrinth was also interesting.

    Thanks for the link spider - interesting ideas for tanks.

    I spend ALOT of time in one of those room's.............. :wink: :lol:

  2. I use JBL Nova bits, Tetra colour, Viking discus total and blood worm's and they seem to love it all. The Viking one is really good too BTW. Ment to have a very similar ingrediant to another well known brand but cheaper? Find the Tetra colour actually does bing out more colour too!

  3. Tomorrow the councill is shutting down our water for the day too flush the pipe's ect. They have advised to turn off the water at the toby to prevent any "loose sediment" entering appliance's such as water tank's, dish washer's ect, should this be causing me much concern???

    I'll be doing large water change's on my tank's tonight so they wont need doing for anther 4 day's or so.

  4. if you hate tele sales people then dont give blood, these guys are calling us up as soon as the rest time is complete. they are becoming a real pain in the ar-e. but when people are sick they need blood, i dont give blood my better half does, but know i should. i just aren't convinced that it is completely good for you for them to drain blood out of you as often as the 'experts' say its alright. i mean if we were meant to have blood completely replaced quite often then wouldn't 'evolution' have figured that out by now??? i can only imagine the response that comment will get. bty i am only writing on this thread cause i am waiting for something and am really really bored.

    They wont let you donate "quiet often". Also agree with Ira, I've bled out more than I donate and i'm sweet. If your body was'nt ment to reproduce blood I would have ran out year's ago!!? :wink: :lol:

  5. I am! Apparantly my blood is the most sort after or somthing?! They ring me up every now and then and ask me to donate if they have a big emergency case or something?! Well that's what they tell me, probly just trying to put the guilt's on me!? :lol: I think they use my blood with new born baby's??

    my donor card say's: O Rh Negative (whatever that mean's)

    I too started to donate as a way to get out of work, but soon felt it was my way to "give something back". My dad has allway's donated but recently after some medical problem's he is unable to, so I see it as carrying on what he cant?! (wow that was deep!?) :o

  6. I seem to have alot of trouble with it? When I first set up my tank it took AGE'S to clear. It's ok now but have to be VERY carfull not to disturb it when gravel cleaning, removing plant's ect or it all get's stired up again.

    Give it a chance, it will clear. I ran my filter and just kept changing the filter wool

  7. my house is about 300m downstream from where Hamilton draw's it's water from..... :roll: :-?

    What is going to be so dfferent re contaminant's as opposed to sand from mitre 10??? Do they "de-contaminate" building sand??? :roll: :roll:

    Will do some ph check's as Simian suggested and post result's. Just shoot out the back, be back soon.........

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