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Everything posted by ChocGourami

  1. I found Nelson stores to be very expensive for fish and not much selection when I was living there. I just bought 4 clown loach today for $20. Pakastani loach were $5.95 ea or four for $20. But that is in Brisbane. Fish are so much cheaper over here and way more selection.
  2. Good to see the old club doing something to attract new members. Well done guys. 8)
  3. They may be alright if you don't need a large supply of bs but I don't think that they can hatch a very large quantity of bs compared to the old coke bottle method.
  4. Clown loaches should really be kept in at least a group of 4. Just buy another 2 or more and once your snail problem has gone sell them off and get something like the chain loaches suggested.
  5. If you've got the room in the lounge why not move it? As you said. 1. Save on heating 2. You'll be able to see your fish Only downside is mts. Once you've got the 2 tanks in there it won't take long and there will be more.
  6. leave the lights on. Once they have spawned you'll need to leave a light on as well so dad can see the eggs to tend too. Also as imsweet said you'll need a lid on the tank to keep the air warm for when the fry develop their labyrinth.
  7. Yes very small. About the size of a brine shrimp egg. I'm amazed at how fast they can develop from an egg too hatching.
  8. My dwarfs normally hatch in about 24 hours of spawning. I've got both reds and honey dwarfs.
  9. What if you made it so that if you shut off the return to a tank it then returned it back into the sump? That way it would still be pumping the same amount of water regardless of how many tanks you had connected.
  10. I'm sure there will be a few people wanting fish brought down. What sort do you have Jim?
  11. I just got 3 discus on Friday night. They are about 15cm. One of them is very skinny and has had his fins chewed. He is also quite a bit darker than the other 2. The previous owner said that the other two had been picking on him. When I got them I put all three into my 5ft tank. I haven't seen any bullying. Whenever I feed them the sick one will try to eat but keeps missing the food. His eyes look fine and he swims around the tank ok. I have now put this one into a 60 x 30 x 30 tank by himself. I've tried feeding him the Nova discus food that I was given with them as well as some flake, freeze dried tubifex, some small pellets and also some grated ox heart which the other 2 love. Does anyone know what could be wrong it?
  12. I use an electric wall heater (given to me by my father in law) with an external thermostat in my fishroom. My fishroom is roughly 6.8 square metres. I've only just finished building it in my garage. I've fully insulated it with pink batts. Not sure of the cost to run per month but my old fishroom I had of similar size was only about $30 per month to run in winter and in summer the heater almost never runs. At the moment it's so warm I just leave the door open most of the day. To me this was a much more economical way than buying a heater for every tank. If I need warmer tanks they go at the top of my stands and if that's not enough I can put a heater in as well. At the moment I've got 15 tanks including a 5" x 2" x 2" but have plans for more.
  13. ChocGourami

    Hi All

    Hi to everyone. I've just joined up with the Tasman club but I have kept tropical fish for years. At the moment I've got 2 tanks going. One with 2 Chocolate Gouramis, 4 Angels, 6 Bristlenose, 10 Albino cats, 2 kuhli loaches, 3 Guppies and one Blue Ram female (If anyone knows where I could get some more Blue Rams I would appreciate it.) Tank no. 2 has got Platties, Guppies, Swordtails and 2 Albino cats to cleanup duty. I've got around 20 tanks in my shed waiting for me build a proper fish room. They vary in size from around 30 x 15 x 15cm up to 60 x 40 x 30cm. I did have more tanks going but I decided to drop the number of tanks over the winter untill I get my fish room built. Now my 8 year old daughter has taken an interest and has laid claim to my tanks whoops sorry her tanks inside. Over the years I've bred Golden Gouramis, Lace Gouramis, Honey Gouramis, Dwarf Gouramis, Chocolate Gouramis (about 15 years ago ended up with 1 that grew to full size), Guppies, Swords, Platties, Mollies, Rosy Barbs, Cherry Barbs, Glowline Tetras, Bristle nose Catfish, Albino and Bronze Catfish and probably a few I've forgotten. Anyway enough for now and hello again.
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