Hi to everyone.
I've just joined up with the Tasman club but I have kept tropical fish for years.
At the moment I've got 2 tanks going. One with 2 Chocolate Gouramis, 4 Angels, 6 Bristlenose, 10 Albino cats, 2 kuhli loaches, 3 Guppies and one Blue Ram female (If anyone knows where I could get some more Blue Rams I would appreciate it.) Tank no. 2 has got Platties, Guppies, Swordtails and 2 Albino cats to cleanup duty.
I've got around 20 tanks in my shed waiting for me build a proper fish room. They vary in size from around 30 x 15 x 15cm up to 60 x 40 x 30cm. I did have more tanks going but I decided to drop the number of tanks over the winter untill I get my fish room built. Now my 8 year old daughter has taken an interest and has laid claim to my tanks whoops sorry her tanks inside.
Over the years I've bred Golden Gouramis, Lace Gouramis, Honey Gouramis, Dwarf Gouramis, Chocolate Gouramis (about 15 years ago ended up with 1 that grew to full size), Guppies, Swords, Platties, Mollies, Rosy Barbs, Cherry Barbs, Glowline Tetras, Bristle nose Catfish, Albino and Bronze Catfish and probably a few I've forgotten.
Anyway enough for now and hello again.