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Everything posted by Jo0sh

  1. Jo0sh

    ID please

    That is defiantly trumpet snails
  2. its hard to say. do the bristles run right through the centre of the head or just aroung its lip at this stage.
  3. i dont know if you concider lillys as a floating plant but tiger lotus is a nice plant that the leaves will grow until they reach the surface and float along the top
  4. hi could you please tell me why this discus is so special? is it just a personal preference? rare or something? i prefer discus with a bit of colour personally
  5. just keep in mind that hachets like to jump so make sure you have a lid on your tank
  6. i think out of the fish listed the bristle noses would be the easyest to breed proving they are male and female otherwise it could be quit difficult
  7. id be over the moon if i grew that. is this the first time it has flowered
  8. i wouldnt mind doing a road trip to catch some of these to. i like doing those sort of things. paul_r maybe we could met up and do it as a team we might have more luck at catching a couple. pm me if your interested
  9. how long do these meetings go for and what other sort of things do you talk about
  10. rapt is spot on I used to do this myself for my turtles except when i did it i used a 1/4 of a cup of dishwashing liquid and would get at least 30-40 worms each jug of water used. try in different spots to i had spots where i would always get more worms.
  11. i think the best way to work out the volume of the tank is to count the number of buckets used to fill for the first time.
  12. will if you ever think you have too many you could always send some to me
  13. hi yesterday i bought my first pair of rams. they were in a tank with about 5 others. the two i bought looked like they were about to spawn they were defending a corner of the tank and the male was not letting any other fish near his girl. they also had cleared out all the gravel forming a little well shaped hole where the female was playing around in. i am wanting to try and breed these little fellas but wanting to know if there is anyone out there that sucessfuly breeds them. what sort of set up do i need? at the moment i have them in my 3ft planted tank with just a pair of angels and a few BN garding eggs. do you think i will need to get a few more rams or will the 1 pair be enough. tonight after watching them for about half an hour they seem real happy they travel around the tank picking at rocks and gravel together.
  14. thanks for that nice work and great pics
  15. when i have a tank full of fry i do water changes with airline tube. it takes a while but you wont suck up any babys and prevents any temp spikes.
  16. wow thanks andrew i have just spent the 3 hours looking and you did it in about 3 mins how rare are these in nz
  17. does anyone have any info on these i have tryed to google them for pics and info but no luck. i would really like a pic if anyone has one or can find one
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