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Posts posted by yarimochi

  1. 2 things impressed me:

    1) the tank wow

    2) that you was so nice to see you thanking your Mom, way to go!


    yeah its kind of a no-brainer thanking someone a million times when they do stuff like this for you. I dont think many 16 year olds would be allowed to do this, and she let me dye my hair bright red and black yesterday so she is one awesome mom. Anyway, updated photos on the tank are soon to come, driftwood/ stones and all that jazz are sitting nicely in the tank but there were two pieces that wouldnt sink so what i did was i screwed 2 bits of long plastic on the bottom of the wood and buried the plastic in the gravel and now they both sit perfectly. I would give you guys more photos now but my t5 light broke so hollywood are getting me a new one which means not much can be seen without a light on the tank. BIchirs are in and VERY VERY happy, butterfly fish is also in but he is for sale currently as aro and him wont mix :cry: 5 silver dollars to go in today or tomorrow or the next day hence the lack of plants more :cry: but i like silver dollars so ill get over it.

    posts soon!


  2. knowing someone who would buy an asian aro..... no expense will be spared on something like a heater. a fish costing 2000 upwards deserves a filter and a heater that is equally as reliable as it is prestigious such as a fluval or eheim.

    yes it is a jager and you are exactly right, no expense was spared buying the equipment for this tank... my poor little eftpos card got a beating. :cry: Next wednesday (approx) will be the day we pick up my aro so pics should be up then or thurs.

  3. BACKFIRE! I didn't paint the back of my current 4' tank before setting it up and I've been kicking myself ever since!!

    Tank looks good, what kind of bichirs and how big?

    yesterday when i set it up it said to myself: Godammit those wires are ugly, i need some backing. I think i will find some black paper or something... What does black look like behind an asian aro?

    My bichirs are 2 ornates and since i went on holiday they have both tripled in size from about 10cm to 20 something...

  4. OMG this thing took about 1.5 hours to get in the house with four people. Trying to push it down the hallway then through a doorway in the hallway was nearly impossible. Then I had to wash the gravel for it!! I hate washing gravel and this stuff is the dustiest gravel you can get and after washing it for 2 hours it still wasnt clear so it took overnight to settle with aqua clear. My two big fat bichirs are going in there today to get the cycling process up and running in prepartation for my ASIAN AROWANA!!

    In about a week and a bit Ill chuck some pictures up here of him swimming freely but for now its just photos of the tank which absolutely dwarfs my room. Thanks to my mum for allowing all of this! The details are: FLuval fx5 1 300w heater hanging t5 lighting and the dimensions are 152x61x61.



    Pics of aro soon to come

  5. Im not going to open another thread ill ask the question on the one ive already started. When I get back, I will be buying my fx5, lights heaters...blah blah blah and ill be getting the water into the tank, The next day if the the heaters have done their job, ill go off to hollywood and get about 5 platys, a week after the platys have done their job ill put my two birchirs in and in about 4 days my asian aro will go in. If you havent figured in out already, this is my cycling plan. Is this long enough? Is their anything i can put in to speed it up? Ive seen a product like that for marine but im not sure about fw. Would an asian aro be happy in this level of cycling? thanks heaps

  6. so it must be completely dried out before it goes into the tank?? bugger i liked the way it would have looked if it could be used green i got a black background and white sand bed would have looked awesome with nice green pieces in their,

    well i would assume so otherwise its gonna leach sap and general plant juices, oh wait, no, i just had a look at my bamboo outside and when it big and thick it usually doesnt have that much moisture, and it will stay green so that shouldnt be a problem, just make sure that its not too juicy, you can probably judge it for yourself, the stuff i used was dead when i put it in my tank. but anyway, it looks really cool so have fun, you can also carve patterns onto the surface with a sharp knife of chisel which looks even cooler!

  7. Bamboo can look awesome in an aquarium if its done right. Bamboo itself it completelys safe and neutral if the wood is dried out and it is not a bright green. It is a porous wood so it requires some work to sink it or to hold it down. It is also an incredibly fibrous wood and so the cut edges and inside requires a light sanding with coarse then fine sandpaper to remove sharp fibres. It would make great caves as the hollowing has already been done for you and if you cut it in the right place, the end is blocked off.

    hope this helps.

  8. like 2 months or more , thats why i think he mite come right cause he hasent died already

    when i first saw him months ago i really thort he was gona die ay ,didnt swim just layd there , atleast he swims now even tho it is on the bottom lol

    wait and see what hes like in your tank tho, coz hes in a real crap tank at the moment

    yeah thats true... thanks i think hes just on the bottom cos hes got no other swimming space.

  9. I know it doesnt sound good but other than resting on the bottom, he looks very healthy, ive seen him eat the shrimp the guys at hff gave gim and he otherwise looks in perfect condition. I know asians are pretty hardy but i dont want to fork out 2 grand for a fish that dies the next day, what do other people think?

  10. And one more question, what kind of flow rate do asian arowana like? Im going to buy a fluval fx5 for that tank, is that going to create a whirlpool? My little guy is often the bottom of the tank at hff and im wondering wether its the fast flow rate he doesnt like? I know they are a surface fish though...


  11. your mother makes it rain... all my mother does is throw my 2m tank outside...

    id go with a couple of dats, some ornates, a clown, silver/gold aro, and a fs eel

    that way, you can have a sorta "fossil" tank, although not so much the dat and the eel, but who cares? your aros gonna be the main attraction

    i know people say dont keep this with this or that, but at the end of the day, it still comes down to the fish... trial and error, sometimes an expensive error 8) 8)

    I like your suggestion for my tank, thats my ideal combo.

  12. any way have you brought asian aro ? would love to see the pics when you are ready 8)

    I was trying to keep it a secret but I guess thats not gonna happen now... My mum bought me the one at HFF in Albany. Im in Japan at the mo' so ill post pics of the setup process in about 2.5 weeks. I can give you one photo of the tank now which my parents sent me by email though, hold on a second...

  13. i hate plecos too

    but i have them cos they seemt o eat scraps and sift through poo

    and suck the poo out o the ground in case there is left over food which is better

    but, i hate plecos too

    silver dollars look like piranhas, hence why i like them

    if pomeranians looked like piranhas i would like them too

    Exactly what I was thinking, I ike the way silver dollars are round and they reflect light beautifully.

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