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Posts posted by yarimochi

  1. tank looks great but still needs a background, that is one awesome aro you got there. What else is going in the tank? A school of large non plant eating barbs would look good.

    I know it needs a background and Im working on that. I want some tri line torpedo barbs but they are really expensive!! I think Ill put in 20-30 neons and see how long they last.

  2. Yes, thats right, it is Saturday and as I promised here is my beautiful Red Asian Arowana:





    He Is the most beautiful fish in the whole world!!!! I am soooo excited I finally got him. I think this guy is truly the pinnacle of fish keeping in NZ. He is so happy to be in lots of space and hes settled in really well, he even gave Jack (dempsey) a bit on the tail to tell him to stop following him all the time. :lol: Hope you guys like him, sorry for the slighty blurry photos, its hard to get good ones in an aquarium. To really appreciate his beauty you need to see him in real life, bookings by appointment only! :lol:

  3. Yay!! Some news to share, All parameters are perfect including ammonia which I put down to my water changes and getting over my spike and cycle. Arowana pick up is SATURDAY, Im 100% sure my water is perfect for him and will stay that way as long as I keep up the maintenance. Going to HFF today at around 4 so I can see him. YAY! Pics will be up on saturday.

  4. Not really needed anymore after doing a big 50% water change. Damn its getting harder and harder with a big tank! People with big tanks: are you finding yourself increasingly partaking in shirtless water changes?? :lol: :lol: Your sleeve gets wet and it absorbs into the rest of your shirt and runs down your side. Not a nice feeling. :lol: Anyway, Ive done 2x 30% and 1x 50% water changes over the past week so Ive figured Ive replaced all of the water. When I go home tonight there better not be any ammonia!!!! Or Ill have to kill something.....

    Well we'll have to see.

  5. Thanks for your offer Candy but I think well be OK now. I chucked both of the logs and rplaced it with this HUGE root thing I bought at Jansens. Its uber cool and its 100% plain wood so its completely inert and wont leech anything. It creates a really nice amazon biotope look so will look awesome with moana the arowana. Will test water tonight and depending on results consider a pickup sometime this week. YAY!

  6. I will wait a few more days but the HFF people are getting kind of pissed. I need to sort this out once and for good asap. Could it be the log on the right side of the tank? I took one of them out as it had all this nasty white fungussy thing all over it but now the remaining one has it to an extent and on the top it is covered in a disgusting green stringy slime. I found the logs in a freshwater stream down on my property. They were submerged and HEAPS of bullies, inaga, eels, crayfish etc live in that stream I really do mean HEAPS so Im hoping its not leaching anything. Would the best bet be to take it out? I think I might.... What could it possibly be leaching if anything?

  7. The water level has been lowered after my 2x 35% water changes becuase I cant get the effing ammonia to 0. After replacing nearly 80% of the water it is sitting constantly at .25!!!! RAR!!! This is getting really annoying becuase I want it to be perfect for my aro... Im not feeding for a while and Ive replaced my nitrazorbs and Ill prob do another water change today. What do you suggest I dooooo!!!??? Everything else is 0, well except for the pH which is 6.8... HALP MEH PLEEZZ!!!

  8. I like your wise words David R and I shall follow them. Sorry Candy, no updates right now, just monitering and testing my water and wishing the cloudiness would go away but after reading the last few posts I think it is becuase of a bacterial bloom and I shall wait for another week to see how things go then you guys can see some photos of an asian aro in lots of space!! :D BTW, does anyone know roughly how many asian arowanas are in NZ? Has anyone else got one on this forum or am I special? :D :bounce: Thanks for the interest and help.


  9. Cool website, now Im completely unsure as to what they are: hybrid or recessive allele, oh well. Still beautiful. Im also stilll unsure regarding the date when I pick up my Asian arowana... Water is stil slightly cloudy which is really starting to get to me. WHY IS IT STILL CLOUDY!? Is it that TLC stuff? My ammonia and nitrites are all 0 or very very close to it and my pH is around 6.5-7. I dont think Ill be getting anymore spikes with that so Im feeling a little more confident about picking him up. What do y'all think.

  10. WOW!! Thats a beautiful fish, hope mine'll be like that one day. He ate a mosquito fish today which I found in a stream. Is there any risk of disease with these fish?? And no, he is definetely too big to fit it the mouth of any arowana of bichir at their current size. And being around 25cm in the future I am pretty sure he is going to be fine. And he was bought from a tank with two oscars so he is also oscar safe.

  11. Haha no they arent. People think they are becuase they are so stunning but they are actually a man-made (i think) variant of the normal Jack Dempsey. You should get one as I hear you like cichlids and these are the holy grail of cichlids.

  12. Here are some photos of the new guy, he is so cute. If anyone ever wants a solution to silly silver dollars that hide in the corner and are scared all day I strongly suggest you get one of these guys. He harrasses the silver dollars out of their corner until they are all swimming around happily. He never bites or stresses them out, he just wants to play ALL the time. Sorry about the slight fuzzyness of the photos, its really hard to capture him swimming still.




  13. Yes that is definitely true. I have decided to give it another 2 weeks approximately just to make sure there are no more spikes in ammonia or whatever to come in the furture. Sorry for the further delay but if you guys want to see him he'll always be at hff albany! :wink: Went out and bought my blue jack demspey today and he is such an incredibly beautiful fish. Photos later today.

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