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Everything posted by Michelle.g

  1. There are plants to hide in, but the babies swim around close to the gravel at the bottom of the tank. How about those breeder trap things? Sorry I don't really know how they work or anything :oops: I have only ever bred egg layers.
  2. Hi. A friend of mine wants to breed guppies. She has had them in a community tank for a long time but has recently moved four pregnant female guppies to a tank of their own. Within 24 hours she had lots of young guppies swimming around, but the adult guppies eat them. Should she take the adult females out of the breeding tank? How can she avoid the babies getting eaten?
  3. I had a big problem with snails in my community tank a while ago, they were really noticeable a few weeks after I bought some new plants. I bought some cloan loaches and I haven't seen a single snail since.
  4. Michelle.g


    Hi there. Welcome.
  5. Michelle.g


    Welcome Tania.
  6. Ford Skiing or snowboarding
  7. Italian Feeling too cold or too hot
  8. The tank is looking great!
  9. Well done! :bounce: I love bettas and I'm raising some veil tail fry at the moment, mine were also first time parents and I know how exciting it is to have sucess. Crowntail bettas are awesome and I hope to get some and breed them next. I would love to see more photos as they grow up. Breeding my bettas made me a bit nervous because the male can beat the female up a bit, but I watch them carefully and was able to tell when spawning was occuring. I found this site helpful: http://www.bettysplendens.com/articles/ ... icleid=722
  10. I have 1 male and 2 female betta in a 3ft tank with 1 male and 1 female gourami. The gouramis are much larger than the bettas. The gouramis and betta never cause each other any trouble. But then the males do spend most of their time following the females around the tank. Like others have said I think the combination of bettas and gouramis will be ok sometimes and not others, I guess it depends a bit on the personality of the individual fish.
  11. Thanks for the help. I have jarred 12 of the biggest fry. The ones left in the tank seem to be ok, and hopefully they will not be agressive for a while longer. Thanks again.
  12. There are around 15 fry that are much about 2cm long, the others are quite alot smaller. Should I jar these 15 or should I put them into a tank (I have a 2 foot tank that can be used) and then jar the males as they get bigger?
  13. Hi, I have ~100 3 month old betta fry. They have been showing a bit of aggression towards each other recently, but just flaring. Yesterday I noticed around 10 dead fry in the bottom of the tank and they had all been partially eaten, so I watched the tank for ages and found that even though I had just fed them and there was heaps of microworms in the tank one of the fry was attacking and eating other smaller fry! So I have put that one into a separator within the tank. I can easily set up a second tank, or I have jars and a heating pad that works well. The fry are too young to tell whether they are males or females, but I think I need to separate some of the biggest fry. Should I put them into another tank or jar them?
  14. I'm breeding bettas (siamese fighting fish). They are about 6 weeks old at the moment so will be at least a few weeks before they can be sexed and sold. I don't really have a favourite fish, but if I had to choose I think that bettas are my favourite at the moment.
  15. Hi and welcome. I have just bred bettas for the first time. I love bettas, and the whole process has been very exciting. The fry are about 40days old and there is around 100 of the little guys. I have found the betty splendens site really interesting and it also has some pretty good info. http://www.bettysplendens.com/articles/home.imp
  16. I find that Java ferns grow very well in my community tank. There is only a couple of other types of plants in the tank (which might help) and not many fish. I am often getting baby plants growing off the old leaves of the adult plants. Some of them are growing on logs and others planted in the gravel and they seem happy in either place. The lighting is not very good in my tank. So, I would try some plant fertiliser, because I have never found the lighting to be a problem.
  17. Thanku Loopy! The website was great. The fry are doing well. Tried to count them Yesterday, and I counted about 150. Hopefully I will be able to come to the next meeting of totally tanked.
  18. Thanks. I have noticed a few dead fry in the bottom of the tank over the past few days. And already I can see that some fry are growing faster than others. Hopefully lots will survive. I have the top of the tank sealed with a fitted glass lid so hopefully the air in the tank will stay warm.
  19. Hi, I am currently raising siamese fighting fish fry. I have had a community tank for a few years but this is the first time I have bred any fish so I'm very new to it. The fry are 14 days old and at a rough guess there are around 100 of the little guys. I feed them microworms, some liquid fry food and occasionally egg yolk. I notice that the fry seem to change their feeding habits almost daily. For example, two days ago all the fry stayed at the bottom and ate off the bottom of the tank. Today they are all at the surface of the tank and eating off the leaves of the plants. Is this usual? Are the foods I'm giving them ok?
  20. Thanks for the great welcome everyone! And it's great to hear there is a club in Chch. I will definitely put some pics of my baby fighters on here when they start to colour up. I'm really interested in learning more about the different colours and finnage of siamese fighters. Can anyone recommend a good source of information about genetics of these fish?
  21. Hi, So, I'm new to this. I currently have two tropical tanks on the go. One is a communtiy tank that I have had for a few years. I have two clown loaches, two catfish, two opaline gouramis, a large angelfish, a bristlenose plec, a swordtail, two female siamese fighters and one male siamese fighter. I have just started breeding siamese fighting fish. I am now raising my first ever batch of fry. The fry are two weeks old. The father has a light blue body with red fins and the female has a yellowish body with red fins so I'm really excited about what colours the babies will be.
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