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    My Nicole, Football, Unusual Fish, Snorkelling.

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  1. Milet

    Little Sharks

    i was reading an article in a Dive magazine the other day and it pics of NZ Black Angelfish Spawning in amongst the rocks, i think it was in the poor knights but cant remember exactly. Had heaps of cool pics of them.
  2. Milet

    Little Sharks

    What about a really young spiny dogfish or similar and release after a few weeks?
  3. lol i think ya got the wrong idea...it was a joke :lol: i dont need any more puffers
  4. might be a bit risky and expensive to get a 4 footer from AKL to CHC
  5. They will eat neon tetras when very hungry. But in the tank are kribensis, silver shark, red tail blak shark, angel pair, pleco, syno, bristlenose, kissing gourami, snakeskin gourami and some others
  6. ive got two figure eights. They are in a freshwater community tank with other fish their size. they are only small but very cute. its the fish in my avatar
  7. Nicely done bdspider :oops: i forgot about when i rote that. Yep and i destroyed them after thinking about what would eventually happen. Oh well i spose its better now that they know there isnt any here.
  8. I know wilson, fair enough if you KNOW that someone has them and you want to dob them. But if your having a stab at guessing who MIGHT have them, get your facts straight. 2 People narked on me supposedly owning them, one said "Milet" And the other said my full name so i know exactly who said that. Ah well atleast MAF can cross me off their list as not having any
  9. MAF woke me up on my day off because someone from this website who thinks they know everything told MAF that i have some of these fish. Yeahp and MAF didnt find any in any of my tanks so clap clap to whoever you are :evil: :evil:
  10. hey gannet ill pay u double + %50 commission if u bring me two back
  11. Hey all does anyone know how to sex figure 8 pufferfish? I have searched but not much help on google. Just curious to know what sex both of mine are
  12. Those arent brass knuckles in the top right hand corner of your tank are they? :lol:
  13. I gave up on this paludarium plan, it seemed too hard to do. But, now that my 4foot tank has burst and im selling off nearly all my fish, i might try patch up the 4foot with heaps of glass and stuff and start up the paludarium again.
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