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Posts posted by Dixon1990

  1. Good choice, Whenever ive seen these at petsops theres never many (i have heard they die easily) and they are all lump/outof shape.

    Only ever seen one good batch

    Now that i have a spare small tank, i might go buy a few normal and a few brilliant and try breed them together to try and get some healthyish brilliants

  2. is the green colour of the water from algae on the glass or the actual water being green?

    I block out the side of my tank facing the window with polystyrene...took me ages to scrub the dam algae off the glass

    Also what kind of substrate are you using? I'm thinking about changing my Discus tank substrate but obviously you can't put an undergravel filter under fine sediment - what do you do?

    The water is green from tannins from the wood

    And i do plan on geting poly for the sides and back, to keep the warm in and have it painted black for a dark background.

    I am using daltons propergating sand.

    Im just using a canisterfilter

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