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Posts posted by Dixon1990

  1. I'm interested in how many people obviously use water from the hot tap to refill their tanks - if you have an older house, is copper from the pipes contaminating your tank a problem? We have always boiled the jug filled with cold water, then added it to buckets of cold water to bring them up to temperature (but we only have a 60L tank). I believe some fish are sensitive to copper (like corydoras) - maybe something to check out first?

    Many people use cold water from their taps :)

  2. Both hollywoods have polys for reasonable prices - but for juve's that are between 3-5''.

    Albino senegals ($45)

    Delhezis ($87)

    and a few ornates ($98)

    and the bird barn in henderson, the owner has a couple of bigger albino senegals (6-8'') for $60.

    I think that the 'poli' they were talking about was the species not seen often 'Polypterus palmas polli' ?

  3. Ahhk that makes more sense, yeah i saw that it was 9.5 cm so i couldn't work out where the 240mm was coming from.

    But yes, the same species can come out of one river at9.5cm and another at 10cm, realy not a huge difference lol

  4. The reason is i dont believe they are the same as fish do not come from one river at 100 and 240mm from another..

    They if you actually saw the adults you would find that they also are not long and skinny as in most whiptails but very heavy in the upper body..The name lanceolata means nothing as to any name that we can import under..Fish cannot have the same name and be different..NZ laws by ERMA ..Phill

    So wheres the photos of your '240mm whiptails'?

    I think you may have a dodgey ruler..

  5. http://www.jjphoto.dk/fish_archive/aquarium/rineloricaria_lanceolata.htm

    This is the other whiptail i think many are getting confused with..Check out size and where it comes from..

    So confirms mine are not them and are just 100mm and from peru..Amazon region....Phill

    If you read a few more pages you will find Rineloricaria lanceolata are actually found in Peru aswell, they are quite a widespread species and the look of them does vary from place to place.

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