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Posts posted by Dixon1990

  1. I used to buy dechlorinator.

    Then I've heard from quite a few people, mostly on here, Auckland water doesn't have any chlorine so never bought it again.

    Been at least 6 months, no problems.

    Im fairly sure there is some chlorine in auckland water, the reason most people dont both though is because the fish dont seem to care unless its a huge waterchange

  2. The supermarket could have you charged with theft for stealing a service by not parking there for the purpose of shopping at the supermarket.

    I use to keep a bin out side the front of my work(on my property) Every now and then the lock would be removed and people would use it to throw their own rubbish in. The cost of this bin per empty in those days was $78. Now if you had to do say 10 extra empties per year, thats an extra $780 that you have paid so you can appreciate that its an reasonable amount.

    I had had enough after a couple of years so contacted the police and asked them what I/they could do. They arrived and took away the rubbish and went through it as well as the next time it happened.

    End result was that some cleaners were useing my bin along with others and as such were stealing a service from me.

    They were charged and fined

    Those that are having the cars clamped should ask themselves if they would be happy with the supermarket just parking a truck on their front lawns for a couple of hours whenever they felt like it

    Sorry but I agree with the supermarket and belive they have every rite to clamp and charge or have the police lay charges. The supermarket had to pay for the construction/tarseal and rates and others feel they can abuse and steal this service

    Barry, i dont think her problem is the fact you cant park there, its more the inappropriate/lack of signage used to notify people not to use the carpark when not at the supermarket

  3. AWESOME! Thanks for posting!

    What is the current like in there?

    If I ever tired of native and decided to go tropical ( :lol: :lol: :lol:) I would so have to get them!

    They arent quite tropical. Maybe subtropical? lol

    They like cooler water, although Some petshops like to keep them around 27 :evil:

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