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Posts posted by Dixon1990

  1. I'm soon setting up a 20cm cube for a a small group of Reed tetras, maybe 4-5ish, Its only 8ish liters so i know I'll need frequent water changes.

    Biggest concern is Heating, I've got a 25W heater but its quite big, I've seen smaller ones in small display tanks at the lfs.

    Any ideas?

    And For filtration i was thinking I'll just make a small filter on top like the small jebo tanks etc or a under gravel filter?

    Or any other ideas?

    And I'm using a 23W energy saving bulb for the light

  2. So i have 3 apistos in my 300L community tank.

    1 was bought from animates as 'borelli' , but i got told it was steelblue.

    Then i bought 2 off trademe as borelli that were bred by BK.

    They all look identical, and i got 3 males and cant tell the difference.(they all have pointed fins)

    Any ideas whos who? They all have a grey body with a dark line going down their body and a bit of blue on their face and a slight blue on their body sometimes.

  3. Does anyone here know Lucky the giant Gourami at the Chinese food restaurant on lincoln road , Christchurch?

    Well if you do, Im pretty shes hes gone to fishy heaven

    I drove past today, and the resaurant has burnt down and all that remains on the tank stand is the base and have a side panel :(

    He was around 26 years old.

    RIP lucky :( (maybe? :lol:)

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