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Posts posted by Dixon1990

  1. mine were 14 each

    sold them for a fair bit less than that :o

    But thats fair i guess, considering they could do with some conditioning.

    No, im feeding bloodworms and snails :-?

    I could never get the brineshirmp thing right :lol:

    I tend o see figure 8s and greenspots all the time, and only dwarfs once.

  2. The rest of the info is pretty similar to GSPs. Pretty commonly available in NZ. Dixion used to have some, he's got a thread about it somewhere on here.

    Dixon* :)

    I still do,they are getting a bit skinny cause i dont have enough time to waterchange and nolonger have livefood :( , still waiting for cichlid7 to reply to me. Hes bought them but not picked up yet.

  3. I have 8 cats, and i protect them like i do my son.

    Im like that too, we had to refer to throwing golfballs at the idiots that speed round our corner doing skids,

    Its not the best idea, but it stopped them :D Now my cat can cross the street safely :lol:

  4. i feel like my early20's are being robbed if that's all you had to do.,

    a typical day for me"wake up early - get ready, coffee, study, go to uni, study, eat, study, eat, come back home, cook, eat, study, watch tv, sleep.

    when i dont have uni, its get up, coffee, get ready, go to work (weekends or the weekdays), eat, eat, eat, study, watch tv.

    if i get free time, then i get to go out. otherwise i have to do my assignments :evil: :evil: :cry::cry::cry:

    recently ive had to include "fix computer" in the schedule somewhere or the other, that and keep the parrot entertained.

    im Sure if you quit visiting FNzas forum you would have a extra spare 2 hours or so evey day :lol:

  5. i think i have about 12 left now i had some on my guppy tank omg they are the worst fish to catch lol

    thank god they are 5 for ten bucks at the bird barn

    i get nevous about paying 7 dollars each for a cardinal do they die just as easily?

    Its said when the fish goes ick, and then its lights start going out and boom its dead or you have to put it down.

    should i just leave the sick ones till they cant eat?

    My cardinals have all outlived my neons, they are also a fair bit hardier

  6. u gettin a very very raw deal on the sterabai's aqua :o

    that's terrible :(

    PS D1990-

    how is buying more fish consistent with you downsizing operations?

    Cause at the same time as buying one trilineatus, i sold 15 other corys :lol:

  7. They are often mis-labelled as Julii, but I have seen them around the $15 mark. IMO if Sterbai are priced at $18-20 then $10 is more appropriate for these, but they are lovely. In fact, they were the first ever fish I had - a troop of 7 of them.

    Sterbai? $18-20???

    I get them for $2 :lol:

    I currently have 8

    And i paid $10 for this new ttrilineatus

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