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Everything posted by slimNZ
I have a lot of slime sticking around the hose of my aquaone 500. This reduce the water flow by 50% and need to be cleaned every 4-5 weeks. Anyone need to clean theirs every 4-5 weeks?? btw, any good jebo online site in NZ?
The tank is in the dinning room. The heater is on 45D angle on the longer side of the tank with canister filter outflow near to it. Fish is much happier now with the right temperature. Might look at getting another heater. Last thing I need to worry about when leaving for holiday is the fish maybe cooked or freezed bec of the heater.
Anyone here need to adjust their heater in winter? My 150W heater normally keep the 60L tank around 26C but starting this 2 weeks with the cold winter, the temperature drop to 22C. I have to turn the dial up to put the temperature back to 26C. Is this normal? I though the thermostat in the heather should take care of temperature drop but seems like it is not.
All depend on what other fish you have. I use 5 table spoon of salt in my 30L hopital tank. Tempreture around 30C. Start with 2 table spoon and add one table spoon per day. The loaches, platies, dwarf gourami and golden danio all handle it without a fuss. The plant is the one that suffer the most but you can move them to a temporary container and most will be fine in there for a few days.
If the 1/2 dose parasite remedies doesn't work after 10 days of following the inst, what will you do?
Yes I read about this too. After getting rid of ich on my loaches with salt, I wonder how much truth is in this.
A few of the local breeder do advertise in trademe from time to time. I only have two dealing with one of them, Paul_b (Billaney in fnzas) with happy results.
Unlikely. They actually come into the salt water when I pour it in.
A good artical about ich http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/ich.php I uses the tempreture and salt treatment for my fish including the loaches and it work. They can take salt just like the platies. Actually, they quite enjoy it. However, the smaller loach did not make it as the ich come and go for a week before I started the salt treatment. He is too weak to hang on for few more days. The only problem with salt and high tempreture is the plant doesn't like it. If you want to use the medication, have a read at this post. http://www.fishlore.com/Forum/3-freshwa ... ead.0.html
Thanks for the tips Smidey. As for electric tape, I don't think my wife will allow that. Wonder if I can use Fluval rubber host on Aqua One canister?
I have the baby CF500 for my 60L tank and they are great and it is silent. One thing I do find to be problem is the algae growing inside the tube and rubber pipe and this affect the flow. A real pain to clean. Anyone have any tips of stopping this happening? Will green pipe less likely to have algae?
Clown loaches are fun and they are forever hungry and will clean up any left over food at the bottom of your tank. I have one that will lift pebbles and it is fun to see him doing that. They take a lot of small sleep during the day and thats when you will find them 'playing death', which is very funny. One of my loaches become kranky when the water quality is low and will chase other fish around. They are a good addition to a tropical tank.
This happen to one of my loaches as well and it is injury. I suspect he dig too hard into the substrate. I apply some Melafix and it came right in 2 days.
My dwarf gourami is an excellent nest builder and he guard them well. Unfortunately I have no female either. I though the plain silver/grey are female too and about to get them. Looks like I need to advertise for a female :lol:
I did not use the full dosage as stated by Wunder. Only use 2/3 and so far it seems to be fine. Have another loaches with white spot that I did not notice until late yesterday. He wan't looking too good yesterday but this morning, he is out looking for food. The rest looks good too and everyone seems to be very hungry. Which I think is a good sign. Will likely to continue the treatment.
Well, my new clown loaches somehow develop a white spot near his noise. Seems to be an itchy spot as he is rubbing it against the glass. As it is quit big, it does look like fungus than white spot. At the same time, my platty has some spot on his tails. The LFS recommanded Wunder Tonic. I have apply the medication to my tank. Do I need to repeat the treatment everyday until the spot disapper? Nothing about this is mention by Wunder Tonic. what about water change? Will 30% everyday be enough. At the same time I read that Wunder Tonic has Methylene Blue which is not bio filter friendly - is this right? Is this mean I will have to cycle my tank all over again? TIA, Sam
Clean the tank this morning and there lots of small snail in the gravel so from the look of it, they did not eat them. Anyway, saw a cool crown loaches in the LFS that moving pebbles by lifting them with his mouth. Since we have not come across a fish that do this we decided to buy it and he is now in our tank. Will see if he will eat the snails. Oh yes! we call him pebble.
They love snail alright. When I crush some, they go crazy on them. They just don't know how to do it themself. Having the snail in the mouth and trying hard to get it out and at the end give up and swim away. Maybe they are too young. They are baby by loaches standard. Have 2 about 4cm (in water) long and another is about 5cm. Hardly see the larger loach as it stay in the cave when the light is on. The 2 smaller loaches is the one we see the most.
Somehow my clown loaches don't know how to eat snails. They have the snail in their mouth but don't seems to know how to suck them out. Maybe they are young and small and don't have much servival skill. Anyone have this problem?
I brought quite a few items from petplanet and tankgirl3 and both are good trader.
Well, my two male dwarf gouramies are gathering floating plant and build their own set of nest. They even start blowing bubble. They fight a lot as each is trying to protract their own ground and prevent the other from stealing the plant. The problem is, I have no female dwarf gouramies. Can't imagine what will happen if I add female dwarf gouramies into the tank, the two will likely to fight till death. What I like to find out is, how long will this nest building activity last? Will they get over it?
After having my CF500 for 2 months, I found the bio-ball and course sponge hardly capture anything and decided to replace them with biomax noddles and purigen. Not sure if others do the same but as the CF500 only have 2 media tray, anything that is not as effective will have to go. So far the water is clean and the reading is good.
Change every 2 weeks! What fish do you have?
I though UV sterillizer only for outdoor pond. What are you keeping and what is your tank size?
I tilt the canister to its four site to let trap air out and refill the canister before starting it up. So far this work fine for me.