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Everything posted by lf
Thanks... yes I agree about trying to keep it cool. Am thinking that this needs to be built into the learning in the classroom and the children come up with innovative ways to keep it cool (ie: daily ice cubes)
Hi I am hoping to set up a small classroom tank to show my children what lives in the local streams. It is only going to be for about 10 weeks and will all go back into my stream. I am wondering what I can put in it. I have two spare AR126 tanks to use. Room has air con. Would love to have a koura in one tank, but not sure if this is a good idea due to the size of the tank. Any suggestions would be welcome. I am hoping to set it up in the next two weeks so that it is looking good for the start of term. Thanks in advance for your ideas.
Looked in the book 'Which New Zealand Spider' by Andrew Crowe I'm thinking it could possibly be a Prowling Spider. Over 40 species in NZ. All these large bodies spiders found througout NZ. Mainly hunt at night and can be found under logs etc in day time. Build silk sacs to hide in. Not sure if this helps... :roll:
I've heard there is a FANTASTIC stationary shop at either Albany or Westhaven. Have not been there but they have heaps of GADGETS for just about anything you can think of. That's a must for my next jaunt to Auckland. Has anyone been there or do you know what it is called :roll:
Tai Tokerau - we are an extension of AU.
Ok, I can see you are all so very intelligent I've just started my last year of three year B.Ed - Primary teaching - I am a 'mature student' :lol: Ha thats a laugh, just turned 40. Complete change of direction in my life, and I LOVE to shop for stationary. Must be an addiction
Wow :bounce: :bounce: , fantastic photos, is the third one in the top group a male and female??? What are the distinguishing differences between male/female. I have 4 in my tank- all juviniles and new to tank - and one seems quite dominant. Has taken over the whole front of the tank. Have created a wall of plants to try to make distinct division today, and so far so good. Will have to watch and wait :roll: . Love the steel blues , how common are they, and are they in a community tank with the bolivians??
Real mix hera Jason Mraz Abba Bread Dave Dobbyn Split Enz Any thing acoustic James Blunt QUEEN!!! The Monkees and for my daughter the Jonas Bros
Warehouse stationary - punched 1B8 books, I am like lmsmith, I use one side and use other for study notes. I like the punched books so they can be stored in a small ringbinder with other notes, handouts, downloads etc. What you all studying???
Just got some bolivian butterfly cichlids, really pleased with them...will post a pic of the tank soon. In the process of getting a new camera.
Thanks for the info... :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm doing my homework before investing in some new fish for my 130L tank and need some advice. Tank is currently cycling and I will be adding tetras(6 - 9) and a bristlenose first well in advance of any cichlid pair that I get. Is the Blue Ram the same as the Dwarf Butterfly or are they slightly different. Have done lots of reading on the net about these and some sites say they are different, some the same, but not much to be found in New Zealand (unless I'm not looking in the right place) :roll: . How easy are they to acquire, and how difficult are they to keep. I would be considering just one pair to start with.
Thanks again for the advice . Tank full of water, substrate, piece of wood (well cleaned), couple of river stones, and a few plants. Up to temp and circulating well. Have some noodles in the lfs getting seeded in their tanks, but thanks for the offer. Will pick them up next week some time and add to the filter. Must be on the same wave length as I thought I would start in a week or so with some penguin tetras or similar, then add a bristlenose later. Will add main fish after lots of homework etc - Still not sure of what I'm going to get :roll: . Think I'm doing ok for now.
Thanks for the great replies. Wood from a farm. some is already sitting at the bottom of the fishbin it is sitting in. One piece keeps wanting to float, not too worried if I can't use that piece. Never thought of cooking wood before!!!! Hubby would wonder what I had done to upset him if I put that on the cook top :lol:
Ok, have found some amazing weathered Puriri while out walking. If I clean it up and keep it well soaked so it sinks would it be ok to use in the tank??? Long angled piece that could be securely propped up to create hiding places, it has several crevices that could hold plants higher up so I would get different levels. Has not been treated in any way, so a`la natural! Thanks phoenix for the plant ideas. Next comes the substrate. Been investigating some of the different tetras, have not decided on which ones yet as it is too soon for final decisions. Looked at some juvi blue rams today as well, look real nice. Will wait for tank clean, refill and cycling before I make the final decisions. Can't wait, but I know I have to.
Ok, have found some amazing weathered Puriri while out walking . If I clean it up and keep it well soaked so it sinks would it be ok to use in the tank??? Long angled piece that could be securely propped up to create hiding places, it has several crevices that could hold plants higher up so I would get different levels. Has not been treated in any way, so a`la natural! Been investigating some of the different tetras, have not decided on which ones yet as it is too soon for final decisions. Looked at some juvi blue rams today as well, look real nice. Will wait for tank clean, refill and cycling before I make the final decisions. :lol: Can't wait, but I know I have to.
Thanks again for all the fantastic ideas http://www.badmanstropicalfish.com/profile.html is great. Has just the sort of information I am after. Will keep doing my research. About to get the tank cleaned and ready for action (this weekend, or early next week), so will still be a few weeks before I go fish hunting (shopping)! There are certainly some amazing choices I could make if I had a bigger tank, but that is not an option. Any other advice or suggestions welcome.
Thanks for the ideas, what types of dwarf cichlids are available in NZ?
Hi Stu, not 100% sure at this stage, but am looking at some small schooling fish of some sort, probably tetras. Would like a couple of larger fish as display fish, have started researching some of the options others have suggested. Don't have room for a bigger tank which is a shame. This is an ex salt tank that I am re-doing. Currently houses a solitary seahorse which is in the process of being re-homed. Having a change of direction in the fish keeping area :lol: . Tank is black top etc with black stand and painted back. I will keep the dark look going with a dark rock/substrait. Not sure of plants as the tank height may be limiting with the light availability. Will want a bottom feeder, open to suggestions here. Any help or suggestions are most welcome. Not a novice, but not an expert either. Thanks in advance .
Hi all, thanks for the quick response to my query... AquaStyle 620T Dimensions Tank: 62W x 38D x 72H cm Dimensions Cabinet: 62W x 38D x 66H cm Capacity: 130 L This may help with your suggestions
I am thinking of setting up a 130L tank and having some nice freshwater tropicals. I would be interested in some ideas, thoughts, photos etc, on what I could have. Any suggestions welcome :roll: . Have thought I might like an easy to look after community tank with a few tetras and some angels, but not sure about compatibility etc. Thanks in advance
Hey DJ, still got my boy horse. Have had him for two years now. Need to get new camera to put up photos. How are yours going?
Too cool Will have to come and have a wee look if all goes well. :bounce:
How are your babies going. I see they are still in their temporary home. A new tank must be on the way soon I hope. I have often thought about bare bottom, but have kept the shallow coral sand and do the vac. Would love to know how it goes if you go ahead with it.
I am so sorry to hear about your breakage. Missed that thread completely. I'm more than happy to help you out if you need me to horse sit them at my place until you are sorted out . Henry my pot belly would love to meet some new friends . I have a feeling we may have a friend in common as well. I'm currently at teachers col (senior student) and know of a new teacher who looked after some horses out your way. Of course I may be going down the wrong track here. If you do consider selling I am more than willing to have them. But I don't want to push you into anything. I know what you mean about being so attached. I had considered finding a new home for Henry, but I just love to watch him glide across the tank, then sink slowly down and attach to his fav hitch. My childrens friends find him irresistable as well. Absolutely fascinating. We are in the Whareora area and will be about for most of the summer as my hubby is booked in for a hip replacement in Feb. That leaves me to do the water collections and the farm stuff and the kid stuff. Lucky my study doesn't start until the beginning of March.