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Everything posted by Blueram

  1. Thanks guys, Bought a pot of baby tears today and will let you know how it goes. Blueram
  2. Hi Kriber, The pair of Kribs that I have are my favourite fish. When they spawned the first time in a breeding tank, all the Cory cat fish had to be evacuated before they were harassed in to fish heaven!! The Kribs are wonderful parents and that is properly why I have so many fry!!! The fish that you mention won't stop them from raising their young, but be prepared for World War 3. I will probably find most of the other fish harassed in to a corner of your tank. For some funny reason when I put the Kribs in the community tank and they spawned, the male and female started to fight and had to be separated. In the end I lost this batch of fry as female was nearly badly injured. Now their back together with the first back of juv fry and no problems to note!! Blueram
  3. Hi Aqua, Have you got Piet's number yet? I think we might be having our first meeting of 2003 this week!! You are more than welcome to join us. Regards Blueram
  4. Caryl, I saw a small pot of Babies Tears in my local garden centre, it is pretty plant. Would there be any risks in buying one and putting it into one of my tanks? Have you done this? Will the plant grow vertically or will it grow horizontally?? Blueram
  5. Hi leeves, Dropsy is a real worry!!! . I had it five years ago and when I kept goldfish. I used to lose about one every six months. This is back in the day that I use to clean my filter with tap water. The books that I have read say that Dropsy is not contagious. Thr best thing to do would be to ensure that your tank is cycled and test as Goldie suggests. Use some salt, not sea or cooking salt. Buy some from your local fish shop. Regards Blueram
  6. Kriber, Sorry for your loss. How much water did you change and what is the ph of the tank and the water supply normally?? The guys down at Hollywood Fishfarm have told me that in the Wiakato region there are some changes in the amount of chlorine that is used in the water treatment facilities. I know your not in the Wiakato, but could this be a reason?? Blueram
  7. Hi Dawn, What colour male guppies do you have?? I'm interersted in blue/green tails. Do you have any?? :lol: :lol: I can trade white baby sail fin mollies and baby kribs. Hope to hear from you soon. Blueram
  8. Hi Pauly, Glad you could join us too!! Where did you get your discus from? When we were holidaying in Tauranga two years ago we went to a shop out by the airport/big shopping centre and one in town. The one out by the airport was pretty cool and had a good selection of marines, but had no discus. Regards Blueram
  9. Thanks guys for making me feel welcome. Goldie, yes my kribs are great fish, but very territorial. My male guppies can vouch for that!!! What is "the last aquarium magazine they had articles on Dutch aquariums". Are you talking about Practical Fishkeeping or some other magazine? If not where do you think I can get a copy? Regards Blueram
  10. Hi there, I have the following plants that I wish to sell from my planted tank: Cabomba Java Moss Heaps of Hygrophila Polysperma Mini Sage Note: I don't use CO2 and plants are still thriving!! Price is negotiable depending if there are other plants to trade. Does anybody have any Riccia to trade or sell? Regards Blueram
  11. Hi there everybody, Found this web site mid wat through last year and did not think too much of it. Sorry!! I normally visit the Krib, Tropica and the Aquatic Gardeners Association web sites/forms for inspiration To the person that set this web site and form up, Thank You. The content has really improved since last year. Anyway enough about that, here is I'm interested in and what I currently keep. I have kept fish for the last ten years, successfully and unsuccessfully!! My late father wanted to have fish and decided to set up tropical and goldfish tank. Many hundreds of dollars later and numerous fish deaths we finally figured out that you should NOT CLEAN OUT THE ENTIRE FILTER WITH TAP WATER!! After my father passed on, I closed down the tropical tank and just focussed on the goldfish. Remembering form the lesson above things went well. I got board with goldfish after a year and decided to buy a new tank from Hollywood Fishfarm after finding a Takashi Amano book (Everybody bow to the master of planted aquarium design). Hence planted aquariums are my interest and I have the following set ups: Tank 1: Equipment Black stand holding a 90X45X45 = 182L Eheim Professional 2224 with standard media Jager heater 30W X 3 light bulbs 15Kg Fine black gravel Fertilisation with laterite in substrate and Seachem Flourish every second week 40L water change every week NO CO2 is used as I can't afford it, but my plants grow we anyway!! Plants Cambomba Java Fern Java Moss Anubias Barteri Hygrophila Polysperma Echinodorus Cardamine Vallisneria Mini Sage Assorted Crypts Fish 5 Corys 2 Otocinclus 1 Siamese Algae Eater (SAE) 3 White Sail Fin Mollies and 3 big and 20 tiny babies 6 Guppies and millions of babies 12 Red Phantom Tetras 1 Black Phantom Tetra (all the rest died last year!!) Tank 2: Equipment On the ground 50X40X61 = 122L Fluval 204 with standard media Jager heater 30W X 1 light bulbs 10Kg Fine black gravel Fertilisation with laterite in substrate 40L water change every week NO CO2 is used as I can't afford it, but my plants grow we anyway!! Plants Cambomba Java Moss Hygrophila Polysperma Echinodorus Fish Male and femae Kribs and 30 15cm babies Sorry for taking so long. Catch you in the other forums soon. Kind Regards Blueram
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