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Scuba Sam

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Everything posted by Scuba Sam

  1. I have had new angels beat an existing one up - usually some signs before they die though. Just a thought...
  2. Scuba Sam


    Hi George, Welcome to the forum. You will learn heaps on here. Good luck with your angels. Cheers, Sam
  3. Hi Evil, just wondering what happened to your pale GBA - I have two males in the work tank who have gone very pale, but my two females in another tank are bright and colourful. They are not related. Did yours colour up?
  4. Whereabouts is the white lump you are concerned about? Not sure what part of the fish to look at on the photos!! Some of my angels have slightly ragged edges to their fins and are not in anyway unwell, just don't have smooth edges to their fins - is it a new change? Sam
  5. Thanks to all the above for the posts and links - really helpful thread. I am certain that NTD responsible for the loss of all eight of my neons in the last week. My question is: What about the other fish? - I was about to transfer some to another tank. I have gouramis, bristlenoses (breeding pair), guppies, sword tails, and one zebra danio who all look fine. Oh and an apple snail. I have just donea 75% water change, and have two filters running. I will gravel vac every few days til I am sure I have all the gravel scrubbed, and will take out the stones for a week or two in the sunlight. Any other tips? From what I have read I can't find any info on the risks for my other species in my tank. When I got these neons, one had a deformed spine, and another didn't school together - you live and learn eh!! Cheers, Sam
  6. I sometimes use a chillibin to transport fish on the open road - it keeps the little darlings protected from hot and cold. Put them in their bags still, and make sure the bags can't move around. You can belt the chillibin in using seatbelts sometimes too. If you put a thermometer in between the bags you can check the temp if you get worried. I use heat packs if the temp gets too low (actually wheaty bags heated in someone's microwave) and I turn the car air con up. Not that temp is a big issue in the summer. Good luck with getting your new fish home. Sam
  7. My two new clown loaches developed whitespot a couple of days after arriving - I treated the whole tank with quarter strength whitespot cure and no probs since- I used the count the drops method - the drops always seem way too big to be 0.1 ml hence quarter strength. I raised the tank temperature by two degrees too. One dose seemed to fix the problem. Good luck with sorting it all out. Sam
  8. Thanks for your help Zev and Cichlid, I am feeling much more confident with my first two layers. Just the top layer to go. I'm not sure that the aquatic plants section is the right place for an answer to that one. Cheers, Sam
  9. Thanks for that. And the "coloured stones" - does that mean dyed?
  10. Hi guys, I went shopping today for substrate for the new tank I am setting up. I have found some Dalton's Aquatic mix, but they hadn't heard of propagating Sand so i will keep looking. Do I wash the aquatic mix before I put it in the tank or just the sand and gravel? Also any ideas on some black gravel - I have some called Tuscan Path coloured stones which is black - i bought a small bag - is this suitable or is it dyed? It is quite expensive. Thanks, Sam
  11. Thanks MarkLB, the Pleco chips have wood in them, so I will use a mix of them and flake. And of course they have weed. It is quite exciting - my first babies apart from livebearers, and angels which get eaten about day five. I have three people wanting them already!! Cheers, Sam
  12. My babies are now looking like their Dad. I took sixteen out and put them in a mesh baby tank in another tank. The remainder stayed in the ornament, and their Dad is now back in there to protect them from the angels. Estimated age about ten days old. Question - what do I feed them? I have been feeding them on liquid food for egglayers, and they are also getting a pleco tab a day, and there is lots of week in their mesh tank as well. Thanks, Sam
  13. Java Moss will catch the eggs, or so i am told - I haven't managed to get my tank set up yet. I do have heaps of Java moss if you want to have some. The idea is the eggs get trapped in it. I think you then move them to the breeding tank or floating trap. Good luck!! Sam
  14. Hi Bedazzed, welcome to the forum!! Nice to have another Northlander on board. Some of my fish still have names - you definitely aren't the only one. I kinda ran out of names a while ago now though. What do you think your eggs were? Were they scattered on the bottom or stuck to something? Good luck with your platy baby - I can spare some java moss or floating plants if you need a hiding place for it!! Cherers, Sam
  15. I would be happy for an initial meeting to be at my work - Kensington. Maybe if a few of us get together and brainstorm, design posters etc, we could get this going. Sam
  16. I guess I'm interested because I have met a few people locally through this forum, and they are great, and have managed to swap, trade, buy stuff from them. And get lots of advice. I reckon we could do it through a club format as well. I have a possible meeting place on the north side of town. I know four households who might be up for a meeting, only one other of whom is on here regularly. Well we will just have to wait and see what happens. Sam
  17. Hi there, I wondered if we had managed to get anything further happening. I will PM Skippy with my email address - perhaps some of the other Northlanders around can do the same? Seems there are a few of us now, and might be worth trying again?? Sam
  18. what sex is yours do you reckon? Come and have a look at my male if you like as a comparison. I belive goldens and greens can actually interbreed - same species or something
  19. I am quite keen to save the babies, so I will try to take them out in time. I have a spare tank so will put them in that. They have a large egg sac nearly as big as they are. Does that make them about two days old? Sam
  20. What great Dads they are - no wonder I haven't seen him in a while - he has grown heaps!! He dropped out of the ornament into the water pretty quick when I pulled it out - the babies must have stayed wet enough. Do I need to do anything now or just let him get on with it? Will he protect his babies from the angel or will I need to seperate them eventually? Didn't expect babies from them - have been learning about angels for a year or so now, but this is all new. Thanks for the help so far guys...
  21. Thanks Snookie, the new tank is still in the middle of the lounge - haven't managed to sort out substrate. This is my oldest tank - has my breeding pair of angels in it, plus some random other fish. Will get onto the new tank in the next week or so... Cheers, Sam
  22. I just saw some more - sticking out of a hole in the ornament. Can't see them now - trying to get some photos. Is the Dad sitting on them now? We are so excited!!
  23. Thanks Caryl, I thought it must be a bristle nose baby - what a shame I took the ornament out for 20 minutes while I did a water change!! The angel did appreciate it though!!
  24. How big are bristle nose babies? Was cleaning out my tank, and saw a huge baby in there. Like the size of a three week old guppy, but with an egg sack still attached. Do BN's have giant babies? My nephew managed to see it too before it disappeared down the gullet of an angel. Thanks, Sam
  25. I will try to take a photo. If I can't upload it, can I email it to you snookie for loading pls? I have your email address... Thanks for suggestions, I will try the lights out trick. There is only one spot - does that make a difference to the velvet idea? Sam
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