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Scuba Sam

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Everything posted by Scuba Sam

  1. When I was a teenager living in the south island, vinegar on chips was easily available. Haven't seen it much since then. I had a Dutch flatmate who had mayonnaise on chips, and I now know a few people who have mayonnaise on chips. We also used to have "chip butties" as kids - chip sandwhiches. Isn't that an English thing? Guess what I'm having for tea now after reading this thread!! Tarakihi and chips. With vinegar on the chips for old times sake! :lol:
  2. I have a feather fin syno (synodontis eupterus right? and it is about six inches long, in with a golden severum, smaller pleco, and large silver dollar. He bothers the pleco a bit, but just cuddles up to the sev. I have read that they are hard on pleco's, but ok with other species. How is your guy getting on now?
  3. Commiserations on losing your guppies. I have not used water from the hot tap because of the effects from sitting in the hot water cylinder (quite possibly this is unnecessary, but I always feel safer that way. What I use is water from the jug - I boil the jug and add about a quarter boiling water and three quarters tap cold water, mixing in a separate container to get the right temp - it takes no time at all. Is this an ok way of doing things? Cheers, Sam
  4. Thanks for the advice so far. I go to see him tonight. And will see him eat as well. Now I just have to work out where I am putting the new tank if I go ahead - I laughed when I first came on here at MTS - this will be my third tank, and last year I had none!! So I am well and truly a victim, but loving it. Cheers guys, thanks
  5. I have the option of taking on a Golden Severum. I have previously had livebearers, community fish, angels, and smaller cichlids - convicts and Kribs. I am just starting out again with tropicals, and hope you guys can tell me what I need to know to take on this beauty. How strict will I have to be with pH, etc. The tank that he comes with is 170 litres, so would seem to be big enough for him to grow. All advice welcome please!
  6. :lol: I first kept guppies in a bucket on the back porch when I was eleven. It was mid-winter. Although mid-winter in Townsville is about the same as summer here!! Temp got down to 18 or 19 on "cold" nights. I did no water changes, had no filtration, and they did just fine for the three months I lived there - shows what tough fish they can be!! I can't remember them breeding (it was over twenty years go), but they sure were pretty with their coloured bodies and tails... I am a bit more scientific about it these days - pH kits, heater, water changes, breeding chambers, extra tank for babies, but that bucket sure got me hooked!! Pity the winters in Whangarei are colder than in Townsville!!
  7. Thanks to everyone for their comments. After watching in excitement as my female layed about 400 eggs in my lunchbreak, I returned home after work to see NO EGGS!! Oh the disappointment, especially after hearing that Olive® was definitely a boy. So angels are known to eat their eggs I believe. My only concern is that my algae eaters may be a factor - is this possible? Two more questions: 1/ How long til they are ready to lay eggs again? 2/ How long do eggs take to hatch once laid? Thanks for all your help so far, Sam
  8. Lots of developments in my tank since my last post. The third angel was getting very upset with all the action between the marbled pair. She is bigger, and used to try to interrupt the courtship ritual. In the last week the male marbled angel was hiding in the corner, and yesterday I found him stuck to the filter, dead. Today I noticed the female marbled angel had grown an even bigger ovipositor, and when I went home at lunchtime, she was depositing eggs left right and centre over the ceramic ornament she had been cleaning in the past. About 400. The larger angel, who I thought was a female, was scurrying along after her, looking like she/he was fertilising the eggs. The organ coming from the larger angel is much smaller and thinner. So my question: Is the larger angel a female mimicking fertilising the eggs, or is she in fact a male? If so I will change her name from Olive to Oliver!! What sort of cross will I get between a black marbled female and a silver with red eye and three black vertical stripes male? Your comments please experienced angel breeders!! Thanks, Sam :bounce:
  9. Lots of developments in my tank since my last post. The third angel was getting very upset with all the action between the marbled pair. She is bigger, and used to try to interrupt the courtship ritual. In the last week the male marbled angel was hiding in the corner, and yesterday I found him stuck to the filter, dead. Today I noticed the female marbled angel had grown an even bigger ovipositor, and when I went home at lunchtime, she was depositing eggs left right and centre over the ceramic ornament she had been cleaning in the past. About 400. The larger angel, who I thought was a female, was scurrying along after her, looking like she/he was fertilising the eggs. The organ coming from the larger angel is much smaller and thinner. So my question: Is the larger angel a female mimicking fertilising the eggs, or is she in fact a male? If so I will change her name from Olive to Oliver!! What sort of cross will I get between a black marbled female and a silver with red eye and three black vertical stripes male? Your comments please experienced angel breeders!! Thanks, Sam :bounce:
  10. Thanks for your comments. They have chosen a site to clean, have been cleaning it for about four days now. It is a grey ceramic "amphora" or Greek urn ornament, about six inches in diameter with a glazed surface we think. Will they be happy with a round surface? If not I can go buy some slate or schist maybe from a tile shop? It is just a tad more complicated than breeding live bearers!! :lol:
  11. Hi, I have had two marbled angels for a week and they seem to be ready to breed. Lip locking, frantic cleaning, and ovipositors that seem to be bigger by the day. Will the stress of a new location, and an agressive convict ciclid (now out of harms way) stop them from breeding? How long from the increase in size of the ovipositor are they likely to breed? I have never had angels before and am enjoying their beauty. Would love some babies. Your comments please...
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