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Posts posted by sharronpaul

  1. For gluing most things in my tanks I use selleys glass silicone. Comes in a blue tube, and it doesn't have to cure completely before you put it back inbto the tank. If you let superglue or epoxy (araldite) cure 100% before it goes back into the tank it's okay too.

  2. Good question.

    Last month we moved out six footer down a flight of stairs, involved some strong people and a fair bit of forethought.

    In your case, it may be easier to move the tanks if they have a few bits of 4x2 underneath them, enabling people to hold onto the wood instead of the tank, with a person at the end steadying the tank. In all its a bit of a bugger and best avoided.

    The fish of course can just be put in chillibins, will be fine for up to a day.

  3. David R Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:56 pm Post subject:


    I wouldn't count on it, a cricket thats been eating nothing but protein and vitamins for the past 12 hours is pretty good!!

    (altho you'd need a few crickets to make up the same volume of food as a mouse!)

    True. Maybe I could pump up the mice with the good stuff first. Real fun food to feed :D Should talk to the breeders and see if I can get a pair of mice going - don't know how hard it would be to breed crickets, anybody have any ideas?

    (and he's not too fussy yet, still takes the pellets happily)

  4. Pinkies? It had hair, body was about 40mm, tail was around the same.

    Aros are funny, he just opened his mouth and the mouse disappeared, except for about 15mm or the tail which was stuck out the side of his mouth for a few minutes before he swallowed.

    Talking about pinkies, I learnt very early on not to put a finger in the tank, it was best to put the whole hand and half the arm, otherwise He'd try to bite it off. Guess it's a lesson all aro owners learn at some stage :D

  5. Hi Caryl,

    The meeting was this saturday just gone. Normally it is the last sat of the month but several of the club members had unavoidable committments this saturday (myself included). :oops:

    The next meeting is the AGM, on Saturday 21st April, 3pm at Papamoa Library. Will post a reminder a week or so before.

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