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Posts posted by sharronpaul

  1. I would buy fish from them but really would have the expectation that the LFS would be trying to do something about the problem.... like removing the ornaments/filters etc one by one and scrubbing them, and treating the tanks with flourish excel to kill off the black algae.

  2. Petrol is petrol. Different companies are selling fuel made at the same refinery, delivered on the same boat, through the same pipeline. Additivies are basically Naptha and kerosene, and are little more than a detergent.

    As far as the per-barrel price, the price of fuel is based on the price of refined fuel ex singapore, so it's not directly indexed to the price of crusde, no matter what one news says. As to why it goes up as soon as the price of crude rises, not sure on that one :-) the commerce commission enquiry in progress at the moment will shed some light I'm sure.

  3. The ethanol used by Gull in their ethanol blend is from Fonterra. Most of it goes to the alcopop industry, in NZ and overseas, and Gull take whats left.

    Haven't read the whole thread, but ethanol blends at 10% are generally fine to use (any more will dissolve the fuel lines and injector seals in most older cars), but biodiesel blends (either from vegetable oils or animal fats like tallow) are definitely no good in winter in NZ because they are too waxy and the diesel and vegetable/animal fats separate with the cold, forming a layer in the underground tank at the service station.

    E10 blends (ie 10% ethanol, 90% petrol) can have performance benefits because the ethanol acts as an anti-knock agent, effecively increasing the octane rating of the fuel. I guess thats why they're little more expensive.

  4. Yep, everything they said.

    The major expense for me was electricity. If I had spent a couple hundred on insuation before installing the tanks, I would have saved literally thousands of dollars.

    tHE cONCH's idea with wastewater is a stroke of genius, It didn't take long for me to get sick of running the hose down the driveway.

    I retailed alot of fish out of my fishroom, so one of the first tanks contained a couple of turtles that children *loved* to look at and pet while their parents were looking at fish.

    If you are looking at a retail setup or regularly selling livestock, make sure that the aisles are big enough for a couple of people to walk past each other.

    Lighting can be a major cost - I ended up using alot of CFL energy saver lamps, one over each tank.

    We had individual heaters and filters in each tank. This meant it took 1/2 a day to waterchange the room, individually cleaning the filters as we went. A sump system would have been a good labour saver - harder to set up, but a great idea in the long run.

    If you have the space, a work surface is a great idea also - this is the place you will be mixing medications, having a brine shrimp setup going, or bagging the fish.

    Also, have somewhere in the room for storage. No matter how many times I put the lids on the tanks, the containers of fish food would always find their way into the water somehow.

  5. If it was me I would go with some livebearers, say three or four swordtails (remember to have only one male or the females will be a bit overworked) and maybe a similar amount of mollies. They're real easy to keep and will leave everything else in the tank alone.

    As far as being at capaciy, the rough guide is 1cm of fish per litre, so if your rasporas are 4cm, allow 4L of water each and so on for the other fih in your tank.

    Just a rough calculation, dependent on how often you waterchange, how much you feed, etc etc. I reckon you're at about half capacity at the moment for a stable setup.

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