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Everything posted by penguinleo

  1. I was wondering what the people on this forum thought of this.. Do you think we should deny immigrants with serious health issues into NZ? Do you think we should let them into NZ? All opinions (pros and cons) will be greatly appreciated
  2. I am thinking of helping out the community or even on a larger scale, New Zealand in an environment or biology related area. So basically community service but something to do with the environment/biology. I'm currently in my last year of high school and I live in Auckland. Does anyone know such a place, club or community that I can volunteer in? All suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  3. :bounce: :bounce: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! :bounce: :bounce: May 2009 be full of joy and prosperity for you and all your families!
  4. penguinleo

    Badis Badis

    Jansens (now Animates) used to stock them but not any more. Hollywood fishfarm still has them on their lists from time to time. In New Zealand I've only seen and owned the blue variety.
  5. Thank you for all the help Much appreciated.
  6. I'm beginning to be lured into the exciting yet mind blowingly expensive hobby of photography. DSLR cameras and the like to the more specific. Can anyone recommend me any famous forums or useful links that helps novices to get started with this hobby? So like a site that can throughly explain what those lens millimeter figures mean and what specific jargons mean, etc. Thanks! :bounce:
  7. Thank you for all your comments and ideas! Found a lot of them very helpful. Thanks.
  8. Thanks for the great advice everyone gave me on military boot camps. It really helped in my last debate and we won. Anyone mind helping me out one last time? :lol: The moot is: This house supports cigarettes being displayed for sale. We are AFFIRMING this. Any ideas? Why should cigarettes be displayed in shops, supermarkets, etc. rather than be hidden away somewhere? It is quite hard to affirm this, so any ideas will be much appreciated!
  9. Well, I'm doing a bit of interschool debating and I was wondering if some people had any ideas on this. The moot is: "This house supports military boot camps for young offenders aged between 14 and 17." So what do you think of this? All opinions and ideas will be much appreciated.
  10. Cheveron Tang (very healthy) in at Hollywood fish farm Albany right now. They havent been in for 5 years and now is your chance. About 5cm - 6cm. Be quick, will be gone in a few hours!
  11. Did you get most of the plants and bits from Hollywood fish farm Albany by any chance?
  12. There's a small article in last month's PFK magazine on breeding hatchets I think.
  13. I have this Belkin Wireless router that I've used for a while before. But after rearranging things on my PC I've messed up a few settings and now my wireless isn't working... :-? VERY annoying... Does anyone here know how to adjust the settings for it to get it to work again? I have a main D-Link internet router and the belkin one is connected to that. I think I have to match the settings on the D-Link router to the Belkin one..but what do I know.. :lol: I'd really appreciate the help!
  14. But the number of credits one can gain will differ from what another student gains as all subjects vary in total credit number. It also depends on the school. To see a contrast it should be compared by who gained the highest percentage of the highest achievement level, in this case, excellences, out of their total number of tests sat.
  15. My first ever NCEA Lvl 1 results for 2007: Gained 137 credits in total and received "Level 1 achieved with excellence" (basically means out of the 137 I got 50+ were excellence credits).
  16. penguinleo


    Might be good to keep tiny fry in.
  17. Devon, so have the female with you now? :lol:
  18. Thank you. I managed to get 10 fry out of my female. And the snakeskins are still quite young.
  19. Now why can't we get plants, fish and shrimp like that... *sigh*
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