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  • Location
    Ex Akl now Melbourne,OZ
  • About You
    Fish keeping of course

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Has anyone tried to get them in? Legally off course
  2. Hi guys, Any chance those fancy freshwater shrimp overseas will be imported to NZ in coming years. Cheers Ace
  3. Yeah, same here in OZ but alas we have them here... Ace
  4. Hi Guys, Has this new craze already reach NZ? Very popular now in Oz and other countries specially Asia. Ace
  5. That was cheap, I paid $50 plus shipping for an inch fry 3 years ago. Ace
  6. Try this guys if you want more info... http://www.cyphos.com/forums/index.php
  7. Fishman

    Frontosa pics

    Frontosa have different variants, 7 bars are from Kigoma and NZ 6 bars are from Burundi or other northern part of the lake.
  8. One advice to all pleco keepers, hold onto your Plecos coz one day MAF will ban the import and price will skyrocket, like here in Oz. Ace
  9. One of the reason I did...But I miss NZ
  10. Just a teaser... http://www.plecofanatics.com/forum/show ... hp?t=83324 Ace
  11. Wow so cheap, Can I have 10 please???? :bounce: Shipped to OZ
  12. I found this, still pretty dear though. http://www.plecofanatics.com/forum/show ... post578453 Ace
  13. Nope, 4cm L046 is around $800 - 1k now here mate. I was offered some 5cm juvies for $1200. Ace
  14. Who wants Zebras. http://www.petlink.com.au/Classifieds/sale/1304100.html Not mine.... Ace
  15. Wow nice ones. I hope I can just buy them from NZ easily. They sell the 4cm fry here for $500 each. Ace
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