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Everything posted by mitch

  1. mitch

    which tank?

    i didnt know that.. Any way i like my Cichlids they are fun to look at when they are out and about and i think under the right lights you will not find better coloration unless you are into marine species..... but i dont think i like just rocks in a tank.. As with the other tank it is all set up with plants and decorations and looks fab but the say the cichlids will dig it all up and they are territorial
  2. mitch

    which tank?

    yes just the white pads and the answer to the other is under directions for use: cost is $19.00 for a 284ml bottle
  3. mitch

    which tank?

    once every 2 to 3 weeks with the AR120 because the water backs up and onto my floor.. The eheim filter pad about the same 4 weeks. Stress Zyme every week and stress coat ever 2nd week
  4. mitch

    which tank?

    I think the tank is 100ltrs I have 6 Zebra (metriaclima) they are breeding 3 Blue-white labido (labidochromis caeruleus) Electric yellow and 1 Auratus (melanochromis auratus) money is on filters and and liquid bacteria etc.... i do a water change every 2 weeks
  5. mitch

    which tank?

    I have of late found it hard to keep up with the costs of keeping 2 tanks on the go so i have to figure out which of the tanks to keep. Cichlids or what would you say... the rest. I do know it would be nice to have plants in a Cichlid tank.. Ideas please, even some pics would help (just incase i have set things up wrong) i say this because it Cichlids are nice fish but the tank is not
  6. well they tell me they will be alright
  7. Well i have now added 1 port hoplo and 2 coolie loachs (i think they are mad) to the tank. I did Synodontis multipunctatus (cuckoo cat fish, many - spotted cat fish) because they are from the same lake but the pet shop new nothing about them, so they didnt think you could get them in New Zealand.
  8. i see that they like well planted tanks but as my tank is all sand and rocks, will they still be alright?
  9. good one why didnt i think of that.........I was thinking along the lines of a fish.
  10. what would be ok for cleaning the substrate when you have cichlids
  11. mitch

    my expereince

    Im still new to this game, but if i was to keep trying i would look at using a group of breeders (may sort out inbreeding with what you then breed). Put them in there own tank and leave them there for longer......
  12. i like the look of them too, but there dont seem to be any way down here and im a bit unsure of getting them sent though the post from up north, when they are though trade me.
  13. are they something to say away from?
  14. Anyone know anything about these ones? There are a lot on trade me. Any one in Southland got any for sale?
  15. mitch

    Blue Rams

    it is 135ltr tall tank (AR620t)
  16. mitch

    Blue Rams

    I have 5 Angels, 6 cherry barbs, 6 danios 2 albino corys, 2bristlenose 2 sucker catfish. How do you think some Blue Rams would go with this lot?
  17. mitch


    Angels,cherry barbs, bristle nose, catfish and suckers and danios
  18. mitch


    My Gourami looks like it has an ulcer on it. This is fish number 8. What is up? Is this a Gourami thing or what? Have not had a problem with any of the other fish in the tank.
  19. mitch

    Bog Wood

    well because of the size i put it in the ash can and then i put it on the barbie then i put it in the bath tub with some sterilizer over night. Its been in the tank for 3 days now and all looks good.
  20. mitch

    Bog Wood

    thought that might be the case, i'm doing both.
  21. mitch

    Bog Wood

    I got some bog wood from any suggestions on how to get it ready to put in tank?
  22. did have to re-do tank after it droped all its water, it has been 4 days could they be refinding there place. have tryed each time she is getting territorial puting her in a wee net for a bit of time out, at this stage its not working
  23. My gold gourami has taken too nipping at my dwarfs as well as chasing any thing that moves in the tank. Any suggestions?
  24. mitch

    Leak in tank

    Hi has any one had any problems with leaks in there Aqua One fish tanks?
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