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Everything posted by mitch

  1. my book is from Mills and Lambert (who ever they may be) GLYPTOPERICHYS GIBBICEPS Spotted sailfin pleco; leopard pleco. A very large and robust suckermouth catfish. The body and fins are reddish-brown, overlaid with black spots. Both dorsl and caudal fins are large, rounded, and sail-like, It was not a baby when i got it. It is way larger than my 1 year old Male Bristlenose here is a closer look
  2. sorry it took so long to post the pic's, it was harder than i thought to get a good one, though the he dosnt seem to have that reddy colour look it in the pics
  3. it is a nice looker, it is out all the time, but in my book there is that one, a common plec and asun and it looks like the leopard
  4. yes i did get alot but a got a suckermouth catfish and it has cleaned it all up.. Now i hope i am wrong but the shop did not know the name because the name they were given was not in there books but it is reddish-brown and it looks so much like the one in the book, it is a leopard pleco GLYTOPERICHTHYS GIBBICEPS. 19in i do hope that size is wrong
  5. just the fish on my attached signature and i dont know to the rest
  6. went to east road pets to get some sinking sticks for algae grazing cichlids from JBL only to be told that they dont make it any more. Which is fine but as my cichlids are of the east african rift valley, they like there veg, and do not seem to be taking to the stick m for carnivorous cichlids that the pet shop has sold me. i am sure that i am not the only one who will now be asking what do we feed them now. Any ideas what i can feed them?
  7. mitch

    green water

    i did some reading and i see that blood worms may not be that good for them
  8. mitch

    green water

    yes and no .. i get some water out of the tank and put the blood worms in that for 10 or 20 mins and then tip the whole thing in.
  9. mitch

    green water

    filtration is part of the Aqua One AR 980 I feed them JBL Novo Rift sinking sticks in the morning and at night blood worms or shrimp brine and a JBL Novo Pleco pill for the bristlenose and i was asking if the algae killer would kill the fish as they feed on it.
  10. mitch

    green water

    As my fish also eat algae (just seems not to be alot of what is in my tank) wont that kill them? The tank is in the same place as the old one, but as i said now i dont have plants in it. (see other posts i did have 2 tanks )
  11. mitch

    green water

    3 of them are about 4 inchs, The bristlenose he maybe bigger but he dosnt like to come out of his cave
  12. mitch

    green water

    Now that i have my Cichlid tank up and running i though because they dont like a planted tank if i keeped up the water change's things would be fine. But no... green water, green glass i just dont know to fix it? some algae on the back of the tank is good for the fish so how do i fix the rest? I dont think i am over feeding them (2x), water every two weeks (up to 50%)
  13. yes, i am not sure what to make of this..... i would like to feed them the right thing i lot of time and money go into this... Any if way if can get it here let us know ill try the 30 day thing... But being away down here i can't see New Life Spectrum coming to a shop near you. I use JBL Novo Rift and some blood worms and some shrimp brine from Aqua One
  14. well now in the last few hours one of the females has gone dark blue with black bands and black fins.
  15. ok got them from MRSkz may be she will know what the story is
  16. can you go back and look at the first pic on page one is that not a Metriaclima Zebra
  17. Thanks... then i take it i can change things back to Metriaclima Zebra then?
  18. so would you say then that they are Metriaclima Zebra then?
  19. as i said got them on trade me ( MRSkz from this site) they came from a tank where all the breeding pairs were in so crossbreeding with the Yellows may have happend. (Any way they look the same in the Fish shop.) he changed in coloration after about 3 months Here is the add... Pseudotropheus zebras (blue zebras) Reserve met | Closed: 7:03 am, Fri 15 Sep 2006 The Pseudotropheus Zebra Cichlid is also known as the Blue Zebra Malawi Cichlid and comes from the rocky shores of Lake Malawi, Africa. The coloration of the Cobalt Blue is a pale blue background with seven to eight blue-black bars with four, orange egg-shaped spots on the anal fin. The Cobalt Blue will do best in a cichlid community aquarium with numerous rocks and caves with a sandy bottom and plenty of places to set up territories. A laterite-based substrate is ideal for this system as it will help to maintain the necessary alkalinity. In my book it kooks like Metriaclima Zebra can not find the above (This is what i had the frist time)
  20. i dont know they were the size of my little finger when i got them blue with dark markings and the labidochromis caerules were smaller. What i do know is they came frm the same tank set up as i have so may be the get mixted there
  21. what about Pseudotropheus lombardoi? Rember he was blue http://www.aquariumlife.net/profiles/af ... 100002.asp (we are talking about the last set of pics?)
  22. mitch

    What are we?

    go to cichlids in the specialist corner and under my new tank and photos have a look at the pics and see if you can help sort out, is it a KENNYI or not
  23. did some more picks..... 1&4 is the male 2&3 are the females it would be good to sort this out (the young are in the back ground)
  24. as i said i brought 3 ( they called them Blue Zebras) AND 3 Electric yellows from the same place at the same time. the fish you are looking at are the off spring of those Fish Pic 7 is a male the other two are female as they are still blue http://www.cichlidmadness.com/forums/in ... opic=17681 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metriaclima http://www.aquariumlife.net/profiles/af ... 100002.asp See if the above can put light on things
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