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Posts posted by dimebag

  1. i think what vindy was getting at is that by changing filters/media you are probably prolonging the cycle, the fact that you ran the filter for a week before adding fish would have done nothing to help the cycle, would only have helped by clearing the water.

    about the smell- are you sure it is the tank that stinks? reason i ask is i was all ready to empty my big display tank the other day as there was a terrible dead fish smell coming from it, thought a fish had jumped out the back. just as i moved all the stuff from around the tank, i found the source of the stink... a maggoty bird kindly left by the cat :evil:

    i guess if you are sure it is the tank, next thing i would do is take the sandstone out?

  2. bad idea to have a husband who cant put up a tent :lol:

    seriously tho, should be ok depending on where u go, will make it heaps easier if u go somewhere with a few facilities e.g. clean water, washing machine etc.

    its not going to be any easier next year, at least the baby cant move around yet :wink:

  3. for- if /when they are illegal it will just be another thing for gangs to make money from. there are always going to be muppets that OD on drugs, legal or otherwise. i tried them twice a few years ago, and didnt reckon they did very much, maybe this is why people take too many? hangover is much worse and longer lasting than the real thing too...

  4. f i were you i would do the tanks myself. no mover is going to care about your tanks as much as you do.

    as for your planted tank, it is possible to move without stripping completely, but you need to take a lot of care.

    i shifted my 300l planted tank like this:

    catch fish and put in bags, or a large plastic container

    emptied all but 20mm of the water (just enough for the banjo cats and eels)

    carefully slid tank onto a piece of 19mm ply ( i think it was 19mm, get thicker if poss

    needed 4 strong people to carry to van

    took about 150 litres of tank water in a big barrel to fill tank with again.

    then set up stand, tank etc in new house, fill with tank water, add the fish, and fill tank rest of the way with fresh water.

    from start to finish it took me 2 and a half hours to do it this way.

    probably would have taken all day to strip the tank completely an set back up again.

    just need to be careful.

    how far are you moving?

  5. what kinda price are these irivers? im looking at getting one for my daughter for christmas but just want something simple she can work herself.

    i have a 20gb h10 iriver, and i think u can pick them up for $300-400. there are smaller and cheaper ones tho. my one has an inbuilt reghargable battery.

    forgot to add, i have been using mine 5 days a week for nearly 2 years, and battery is still as good as when i got it.

  6. i have an iriver and have nothing but good things to say about it. has all usual features, radio etc, but can also be used like a hard disk to store files etc. works with window media player but can copy and paste to and from it easily doesnt need a program to use.

    good battery life too, i have it going all day every day at work at full volume and it lasts 2 and a bit days before it needs charging.

  7. hi all,

    i have a discus who every couple of weeks starts swimming straight down constantly, as if its fighting a massive current. this usually goes on for a day or 2, then back to normal. it is the only discus of 8 doing this

    the fish still eats while it is doing this, and seems perfectly fine otherwise.

    this has been going on for months now,and would like to fix if possible, so if anyone has any ideas id love to hear them.

    cheers, duncan :)

  8. hi hannah, welcome to the forum.

    what is your ph at? you should have no probs with tauranga water.

    remember your ph doesnt HAVE to be at 7. better to be stable.

    i cant for the life of me get my tank to 7 ph, no matter how many water changes i do, it sits at around 6.2.

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