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Posts posted by dimebag

  1. yep i agree that target is a load of BS.

    bout as real as sensing murder :lol:

    despite seeing all the dodgy dudes on target, i very rarely have a customer that doesn't trust me in their home by myself.

    funnily enough those are usually the people who go through the whole job with a fine tooth comb and complain about stuff that i can do nothing about, or has nothing at all to do with me.

  2. poor baby, you actually had to make an effort. get a butler if you want to be waited on.

    yarimochi if thats your attitude why the hell are you working in retail?

    if you want to sulk in the corner and be left alone you need a new job dude.

    theres no way i would buy anything from a shop i was treated like this zabman. quite a few times i have walked into a shop(not a fish shop they see me coming) with cash in pocket ready to buy a new appliance or the like, only to walk out again 15-20 minutes later because no one has bothered to even acknowledge me, let alone ask if i needed any help. maybe its because i look like i have no money? just because im a scruffy looking bugger? who knows?

  3. 1. master of puppets

    all the rest in no particular order


    11th hour

    now youve got something to die for


    all by lamb of god


    mandatory suicide

    south of heaven

    all by slayer

    zombie eaters

    end of the world

    faith no more

    anything at all by pantera

    man this could go on all day

    going to have to cut it off there, you get the idea anything loud and fast.

  4. hey afrikan, where are you getting your pup from? we are hoping to get a new staffy pup sometime soon, after losing our 8 year old girl earlier this year to a stomach tumor. we have been looking at getting one from warsop, my mate has a boy from them and he is one of the nicest staffs i have come across.

    dammit for some reason i cant see the pic.

  5. i would rinse the filter out if it has been unplugged for a while, and do frequent waterchanges until things come right. probably has been off for quite a while if ammonia levels are up and fish are dying.

    bad luck, hope the rest of your fish survive

  6. i think it depends on where the fish has been living, i took a pair from my planted tank and put in a bb to spawn, and they sulked in a corner for 4 months.

    put them back in my planted tank, they instantly went back to normal, and spawned 4 days later :evil:

    yes bb is easiest to keep clean, but a thin layer of gravel an a potted plant or 2 can work well also

  7. i had a royal whiptail that spent all day chasing the discus and latching on to them. then one day it was dead.

    i now have another one that is fine never bothers with the discus.

    first one must have been a rouge :o

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