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Posts posted by Zev

  1. without the exhaust piece it may not work as well.

    Perhaps you could drill some holes in the top, I notice that the exhaust slots take up an area approximately half of the face of the lid thingy.

    You also said that your hose is quite a tight fit, but has a little space for the air to escape, I notice in the instructions that this needs to be a tight fit, and if it is not, to put a rubber band around the air hose to make it so.


  2. Your plants may be pot plants and not aquatics. There are plenty sold in the shops.

    This means they look good for a short while, like a couple of months, then they deteriotate. Some need their tops out of the water to survive.

    There's this really nice plant with a rich metallic purple underside to the leaf - looks great in the shop, but does'nt last long under water in your tank.

    If your Flax type plant is varigated yellow/green, I think this is a cold water plant.

  3. Caper, an example of OSH requirements - on the door of the creche that my four-year-old attends:

    Notice of possible HAZARDS: small children, small items on floor eg toys, water, sand, low objects hanging from ceiling... blah blah, the list goes on and my memory isn't that great, but you get the general idea.

  4. I've used Fosroc Silaflex RTV (clear only safe for aquariums) to make a hinged lid for my 2ft tank. The hinging bit is only 50mm wide, big enough to feed the hungry critters in my tank, and means you don't have to lift the whole lid and light off to feed them

    Seems to be hanging on there ok, the kids give it a hard time, bending it back past the vertical to feed the fish (while I cringe and wait for the silicone to give). I have a 5mm bead of silicone to make the hinge.

  5. Good on ya for doing your research and asking questions first, although it can be dissappointing to find that the fish you like the best aren't compatible, or as I keep telling my ten-year-old daughter, you cannot have a pleco in a two foot tank!

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