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Posts posted by Zev

  1. Were you talking about the puffer on the counter, or the one in the tank on the back wall?

    The one on the counter is cute (my daughter hasn't seen that one yet) and is a Green Spotted.

    The incy wincy one I was talking about is the one on the back wall, it's a Freshwater Puffer, and apparently only grows to about 50mm incl tail.

  2. And we are pretty sure we have an identity of what it is...

    Wasp, take a look at the subject line of this post..

    It's pretty small, you may need your glasses to see it..

  3. Well, if you're worried about the credit card, wait until you get to Wet Pets..

    In fact, chop it up before you go there, it is a nasty place, with way too many nice fishies and things to tempt you into overdraft!!

    The Spotted Green Puffers would have my daughter pleading incessantly.. but they're cute.. I want one.. pleeeese mummy.. (she never calls me Mummy unless she wants something). Oh dear, I see a brackish tank on the horizon...

  4. A little additional advice...

    Try and keep the pictures to 600 pixel width, this will help those with small monitors to see all the picture without having to scroll across.

    Also, and most important, try and use a photo program that will let you 'save for web' where the image file size is reduced dramatically (typically not over 100 Kb) why?

    Alot of people still use dial up and having to sit and wait while large size pictures load isn't fun and usually peoples patience runs out after around 5/6 seconds!

    Monitors also have a maximum resolution for displaying and digital camera pictures are usually way over this limit so the definiton is wasted.



  5. Maybe I can get my hands on some old doors and prop them up on saw horses or something :-?

    Beer crates? (sorry, couldn't resist it)

    If you are going for the door thing, make sure they are solid timber, not the cardboard stuffed thin walled internal doors, which I do not think would take the weight.

    Do you want them all at one height, or stacked? You could look at the steel shelving that you can build up yourself with a screwdriver and adjustable spanner (and a lot of patience). We can lend you the tools if you get stuck. But you will have to check the weight these things will hold, and you may have to put something under the feet to make sure they don't damage the carpet.

    Oh dear, I think I may have given you some bad ideas on maximising how many tanks you can get into a room!

  6. Have to start building the house first! The plans are up in Auckland being certified by the engineer (we hope) at the moment.

    If you are stuck for ideas as to where you could possibly place a tank, have a look here:

    http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/1-vt29 ... sc&start=0

    It's a long thread, but really interesting, this is for a reef tank, but I'm sure a freshwater tank would look just as good in a similar situation. In fact there is one here somewhere for a large tank in a shop, I think, but I can't find it at the moment. Will post the link when I find it.

  7. We got two Black Phantom Tetras, two Yellow Phantoms and three Green Fire Tetras, they used to hang around the back of the tank, and hide.

    I called them my 'chicken fish' and we hardly got to see them, which didn't impress the kids much. After a while we got half a dozen Neons for my daughter's birthday and put them in the tank. These guys were pretty fearless from the word go, even the cat sitting in front of the tank playing patsy on the glass didn't bother them.

    Anyway, now the other fish come out more since we put them in, and they hang around out the front of the tank - except for the Black Phantoms - whom I think are up to noo good in the corner of the tank!

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