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Everything posted by speed

  1. hah alrighty... Back to the topic... So anyone actually did a test to see if the NSW from anywhere contains traces of ammonia?
  2. If he is asian... Yup that's me! Didn't drop by to say hi? You know it's for a reef tank... hehe
  3. well i guess i gotta go there when there isn't a peeing contest going on.
  4. lol... I heard your story Steve.
  5. I'm not too sure if anyone has tested the NSW from Taka but i had. Couple of days ago i went there just before high tide to grab couple of buckets of NSW and when i did an ammonia test on the water. It contains 0.25ppm of NH3. NO2 = 0, NO3 = 0. I'm quite stunned! I thought my NH3 kit was screwed but then i tested my tank water and it showed 0. Today i went there again during high tide and did a test on the water and found that it was close to 0.50ppm though the water didn't look as clean as it was the other day.
  6. Ok... I'll take your words for it. 150W it is... I'm going to add a computer fan blowing across the water surface anyway to cool down the temp. In regards to the skimmer. I have bought one but hasn't been using it yet because the tank i bought comes with a hood and it has 2 fluoroscent tubes in there that i use for cycling the tank. I've got a ViaAqua hang on back type skimmer. Will use it once i got my MH and chuck the hood away.
  7. Hey Helifax, glad to hear tat you have this unit. Just want some feedback. You live at the shore eh? So when can i come and visit you and maybe grab some snails off you as my cleanup crews?
  8. How long is the cycling process generally gonna take providing that i have bought LR but not LS.
  9. The one that ben is selling comes with 2 PC actinic tube. so can't fit T5 in.
  10. Yea, those ppl at nano-reefs.com has like 250W over their 100L tank. Well, to be precise, my tank actually holds approx 100L of water and 1/3 - 1/4 of my tank is filled with 18KG of LR and approx 12KG of argonite. So you guys think that 150W is enough eh?
  11. Hi to all the reefers out there. I've been reading stuff on this forum for couple of days now. You guys have great tanks! I've just set up a nano-reef tank a couple of days ago and it's going through the nitrogen cycle... (be patient!) in regards to the MH lighting question. the Atman MG600 sold by ben is quite a good unit i reckon. But there is a shop that sells Radium MH along with a magnetic ballast and the pendent. Ok here's the problem. Both units are sold for $400. the Atman MG600 is 150W + 2 X 24W PC whereas the Radium MH is 250W either comes in 20k or 14k bulb. I'm sure you guys heard of Radium bulbs as they are made in Germany. and somewhere in this forum i've came across with post a topic about the PAR ratings for the MH bulbs and Radium is considered quite good and unfortunately Atman doesn't even exist in there. So it is obvious that the Radium bulb is a quality product. The Radium system comes with a magnetic ballast and a BOSCH pendent but doesn't come with the fittings for hanging off the ceiling. My tank is 120L, 800mm X 350mm X 450mm and the depth is less than 20". Will the 250W Radium overkill my tank? I read somewhere that as long as you raise the height of the MH placement it should be fine to keep soft corals at the bottom of your tank. So i want your (you expert reefers) honest opinions out there as to which lighting i should go with. I've been reading a lot but it has come to a point where i need advices from you guys.
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