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Posts posted by Tsarmina

  1. stomach looks fine (got a good look when he was upside down) used about 2L out of his tank, the rest from the tap.

    just a note, i have never used any chemicals when adding water to my tanks, and have never had any losses. Gotta love that magic Wainui water ;)

    nothing new has been added to the tank in over 6 months. he lives with a black ghost knife (his best buddy) a clown knife, 3 convicts (which i'm trying to get rid of) and 2 buenos aires tetra.

  2. wandered past my tank this evening to find my 27cm Albino Pleco upside down. he was still breathing.

    lifted tank lid and he stayed where he was. normally flees to other end of tank.

    put net in tank, still did not move.

    i ended up turning him over with the handle of the net. realised there was a problem as he never lets me get anywhere near him.

    moved him into quarantine (28L tank is too small for him, but its temporary) with completely new water, air stone and small Elite filter. he is sitting on the bottom, has moved a couple of times, but only very slightly, and is occasionally rocking.

    any ideas and is there anything else that i can do for him?

    thanks :)

  3. i have never moved my fry and get about 50 each time. quite often once the first lot are out and about, dad's back under the driftwood with another lot of eggs :roll: :lol:

    the young ones end up all over the place and seem to be eating the algae of the stones, plants and glass.

    also in their tank are guppies, swordtails and , over winter, WCMM.

  4. also, be extra careful when doing a filter clean as the little sods like to hide in them. alway put it into a bucket before washing anything, and always check the water in the bucket before tipping it out :)

  5. did a little weeding on the weekend and found the olive trees heavy with fruit and, the raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and apple tree are starting to fruit too :)

    just waiting on the fejoas, citrus trees and grapevine to get big enough to produce as well

  6. i have 35 WCMM living in a bath tub outside for summer. the only thing i do is the occasional water top up and drop in some flake once in a while. just realised today that there are no plants in there for them to spawn in, so will be getting some later this arvo.

    last time i did this, i put 6 in and, come time to move them to there winter home, i pulled out 60.

    also have my golden ones in a tank (full of daphnia) out on the front deck, so hopefully will get some good results.

  7. i have a pond in the front yard which i have a supply of daphnia growing in. while cleaning out some slime yesterday i also found bloodworms, mossie larvae, a water boatman and damselfly larvae.

    my question is, are boatmen and damselfly larvae any danger to small fish?

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