Angel 2
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Plant Articles
Fish Articles & Guides
Everything posted by Angel 2
I think the main problem is all the salt you and the other person have put in the tank. Even with all the water changes you have done the salt is still in the gravel. You are changing the water but the gravel is saturated with salt. Shut her down and clean out the gravel. the gravel is an filter too. Just my dollars worth. :gpo2: The nipping of the fins is probbly cause by the stress the fish are in. The fish that are dieing are both scail less or very stressed out by all the salt over time.
I like to make jerky with mine. Also make burgers. Grind up the deer an add beef or i like pork.
"new lands" Tom Gilberg [berried shrimp update pg. 12]
Angel 2 replied to TomGilberg's topic in Freshwater
Love the red shrimp, probably cant get them in the USA. What is the name of the red and black fish, very beautiful. Havent seen the here. That is the best planted tank I have ever seen. Keep up the good work. Leroy -
Question: I have a piece of 3/8inch thick glass by 12 1/2 x 12 1/2. I want to cut it in half. Can I cut it with an regular glass cutting with oil. Any help will be greatly apparicated. Thanks
For shore I'll pre-test the 75 gal before I fill it up.
got most of the water out. Set raised up on the end that doesnt leak. Will wait until all dries out . :spop:
Had cleaned to tank and equipment, put the gravel in and had the water in and was ready to start working in the cycle when I found a water leak coming from around the bottom. Will empty the water and move the gravel away an dry it out with an hair dryer and recauck it.Will be starting over. :env: :an!gry
Thins for all the welcomes. Good to be back, missed my fish but didnt have the time to take care of them back then.Im slowly getting the tanks ready to start again.. like everyone else the money is short. so its taking a while to get things started.I see by an post that Waren has retiredfrom adim. Will miss him. :digH:
Son got lupas and didnt keep his aquarium business. Im ready to go again. Reading up on things to see things that i have forgetten and some new things that newzealanders have come up with.
Well it looks like its been four years. I quit razin fish and sold all my aqariums. Now Im fetired and want to play with fish again. Also plants. I raised Angels an I raised an sold cory cats.Just got a 55 gal. and a 75gal. tanks gave to me for going and getting them. Great gentleman. Thanks man. Will be on here get back into the know how again . See some of the peeps i remember from before ,Caryl , porgus :gopo:
hi all, Havent been here in ages. not in the fish business any more. I use to raze cory cats and angels. dont see many of the old names here. Remember Carly. Will try to make it back more often.. Leroy Angel 2
Hi Caryl. Yes that was F degrees. We are just starting winter here., but it has been unseasonly warm here. Just got back from X-mas shopping in Topeka( Captial Of Kansas.) X-mas shopping all finished except for wifey. She always the hardest to buy for. Shes to picky. I guess you could call her spoiled, because she always gets what ever she wants during the year. Better witch out she might be looking over myshoulder. Hope you all have happy holidays. :lol:
:lol: HELLO everyone , Thought Id check up on every one down your way. See lots of new faces, and some of the old ones. Hello To all the old ones. Between health problems and grandkids and work havent had much time for fishies. If you didnt know i got out the fish business about an year ago. Son is still in it. Still have my fish bowls (tanks) , setting in the basement. Maybe some day I have the time to get some set up again. Nice to talk to you all again. Weather is great for this time of year in Kansas, in the 50's today. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL YOU AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR>
Well the smallest of the two was looking good yesterday, but it was on the bottom of the tank tonight when I got home. It wasnt moving around and just a little while ago I looked in the tank and it had passed on. Soooo Im back to two angels again. Something some said about the other fish , none of them are acting funny. The two smaller ones where put in the tank after this all started. Thanks for the help.
Caryl, With wisdom like that you need to run for Pres. of NZ. :roll:
Thanks Pegasus, I'am keeping an eye on it this am. Seems to be doing better today. Will thing about the epsom salt adding. Hate to add thing Ive never use before. Its tank cleaning day here.
Welcome Annie! As an outsider to the nz forum, being from KANSAS USA, I fine that the peeps here are the best of any forum the I visit. A couple of the main spokes here visit community tank forum which I visit too, they are very helpful no matter where they are. Don't bad about learning something every day, I've been in fish keeping for fourteen years and still I'm learning. :lol:
Sorry to be so late but our times just dont match up. When I come on this forum generally no one else is here so I what until the next night to read the posts. Sorry to say the large angel was dead this am. The small one is acting normal for now. Like Isaid in last post, I added salt and raised the temp to 84F. Will see how thing go tomorrow. Thanks peety andPegasus for the help.
Any other med that will help. never hear of that here. I put salt in the tank and raised the temp. but dont know how far yet. Dont feed pellets but give froze dried Blood worms and Tubifex worms along with their flakes. The bbig angel looks like he's worse today. By the the way thanks for the above points.
I have two large marble angels in a 55 gal tank that are both going round and round up and down, is this an swim bladder problem or what. It started out with the smallest which is about seven inches top to bottom, a couple of days later the larger one which is about nine inches is doing it now. The tank vitials are PH 7.4, temp 78F, ammo O, nitrite 0, nitrate2. It is a planted tank with gravel , no co2, and two other smaller angels I just added 4 days ago. Can you help me with this ? Thanks.
Welcome Christine to the nz forum. As you can see I dont post much but do a lot of reading of this forum and a few others regularly. I have only one tank set up right now, Im inthe starting stages of putting together a 65 gal corner ,planted with 2 new angels I just got today. My son has two marble angels that just having fry but they only last a couple of days and the couple eat them. He wont take thefry out of the main tank to inshare their safety. By the way my of tank(55Gal) has also two marbles and they are large adults ,sex??? Again Welcome. Leroy :lol:
Hi Pauly and Welcome from way up North in the U.S (Kansas). I just got a used 65 gal corner tank and was thinking maybe I'd start an planted discus tank. Ive always love discus and their bright colors, but dont know if I can keep doing all the things that Goldie said. I change water when the other half gets on me. Just to keep peace. My 55 gal gets changed very two weeks if needs or not. Do you think I could keep an discus tank. Cant teach an old dog new tricks.
Hi Annie, Welcome from Kansas.
Hi F.E. and welcome to NZ forum, from Kansas.