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  1. You guy's are doing wicked keep up the good work Sounds like you will be having them coming out your ears shortly :lol:
  2. So sad to hear this.............condolences. Hope everyone is supporting each other iin this time.
  3. If you dont care about the breeding side of things I personally dont think it matters as they will only really go after each other mostly, they dont even care about fry really. Then saying that if they wanna breed they will no matter who's in the tank at the mo I have peacocks and Johanni with mine. I have had lelu's,marlieri,front and pulchers at other stages as well. Just my 2 cents :oops: Oh and the peacock and johanni are both breeding and the duboisi when they want
  4. Tiden

    alto comps

    :bounce: Wicked man congrats :bounce: Keep on keeping on
  5. Why dont you go with a group of tropheus and maybe 2 rock dwelling types like Julidiochromis Marlieri and Neolamprologus Pulcher?
  6. Keep it up guy's you're doing wicked :bounce:
  7. Looks great what sp. are in there?
  8. Looking great guys, seems like you will be getting more visitors with that amount of tropheus sp. :lol:
  9. Tiden

    3ft african tank

    So you can watch them breed and look after the fry......could be a little busy/full with peacocks if you are planning on staying with the 3ft long term IMO of course
  10. Tiden

    3ft african tank

    My personal preference or 2cents would be to get 6 marlieri and grow them out get a pair and enjoy
  11. Quite possibly the same fish but its hard when you dont know/havent had fry to grow from or seen them in person :-? There seems to be diff. variations of the same sp. varying on collection point maybe too :-? I'm sure tropheus,rcon021 and maybe OOA could tell you what theres looked like when smaller.
  12. :lol: I think you overestimated what people know about tropheus in here :lol: I also think you should put us out of our misery too :roll: for conformation.
  13. Tell you what i will do ya a favour its either moorii or brichardi :lol: im leaning to moorii :lol:
  14. Wouldnt they have the names where you got the pic from if not cichlid forum would be way better than here i would have thought plus might be 2 sp. there.........
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