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Posts posted by klaymann

  1. What .. these guys are pretty hardy...ish.. have to go thru the usual questions .. how long was tank set up , what where the water readings , PH ,ammonia , nitrite ,nitrate , temp , filters etc , any chemicals been in the tank before hand ( these guys don't have scales .. so easy for them to react to these conditions) .. but in saying that if the tank is mature you shouldn't have a prob , unless someone in the tank didn't like it encroaching in it's territory( caves etc) ... anyway thats from my own experience with them .. others will have their views so read all that comes your way and good luck next time... :wink:

  2. we are missing out on heaps fresh/salt ... makes collecting from your backyard a cool buzz!!.... think cees will kick my butt with this post :o:o

    will let you all make up your own mind as to what is food/pets/wildlife :wink:



















    watch out for the local Cambodian dish,spiders anyone ?" tourist gimmick" :o


    And watch out for the drunken tourist .... kiwi one as it happens ( and no ... not me!! )but my backpacking mate ... hmmm " no officer I never seen him before" !!! 8)


  3. "Rough it" :o geez I usually bugga off to asia and backpack around there for a month each year .. wouldn't even comment on what is there.. my finger tips would be bruised typing .. but sad as it is . have been overseas alot but never south of N/Plymouth ... so can't knock you southerners ( but being a jaffa it comes naturally :wink: ... ya know :lol: ) ... going back next August and this time will take heaps of pics from Thailands/Cambodias fish shops ... but for all you people who want to see asian fish in their natural habitat... give me 20 mins an will post sum pics from asia.. :wink: 8)

  4. Smooth. That wall of 10 or 12 x 400 (guess) litre display tanks is impressive. They have the one odd tank with just a lone arowana (I personally think these fish aren't really made for the aquarium) but the rest are well thought out with a great variety of fish, decorations, sloping scenes and... well, just the best aquascapes I've seen outside of "Fish Tank Telly" in NZ.

    Have to say, the main purpose of this trip - trying to find good Bettas around here - was a failure. People need to get these fish breeding locally before they all get killed off by over-eager 5 year olds that get them as pressies.

    Have to agree with you on the way betta's are treated over here ... a birthday pressie they are bored with 4 hours later ... " go meet the porcelan bowl of no return" .... and then they ask for the " puppy" ! :o

    imagine stuffing that down the throne ...bet they can !! :roll:

  5. Hey Chicky B .. is your tank heavily planted ..if so could be the CO2 released during the night could be the drop in PH ... just a thought 8) I now this is important with reef tanks and as I have these with the caulerpas so seems that should be a freshwater prob too !! :wink:

  6. Hey no probs Wok... send me a pic of the tank and can tell ya what you need to "fill er up" . :lol: ... ( bear in mind I have inherited a semi fussy german stance with tanks , so..... :wink: ) .... plus if your fridge has sum coldies in there , no probs throwin' my hands in there ... oh , and the tanks too ! :D 8)

  7. nice pics of the polys .. that pic of the borneo .. these guys have their strips very early on ... the dark dark washed out effect is a sign of major stress .. if he has it all the time (even with feeding) .. is not a good sign.. you mentioned he is no longer in the tank .. where is he now?..

  8. Buga about the campsite being sold ... always cool going camping up north ... spent last summer up at spirits bay ... man that place is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cooooooooooooooollll .... you can walk along the beach for hours and still be just abit along it .. and the only life you encounter are shags resting in the cool coloured shell grit .. ( would look good in a tank) + the odd dead penguin :( .. thing I couldn't get around is the tropical look of the beach ... sand.. cool blue water .. but after spending time in Thailand/Cambodia & Malaysia .. was just a tad on the ' freeze ya nutz off temp"!! :o ......... :lol:

  9. We had a breeding pair of jags ... male about 18 in ... female 16 in ( from memory) ... they spawned about six times in a large volume 4 ft ( x2ft x2ft) . :D .. after that the male decided to imitate a descaler and beat the sh*t out of the female :-? ... once removed the female recovered and we sold them seperately :( .... after thinking about the situation think that the tank was waaaaaaaaaaaay too small... and like married couples :wink: needed their own space.. :lol: 8)

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