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Posts posted by klaymann

  1. misnoma is right .. is the best way to get wood to stay down... you can find lead on most old house roofs and industrial roofs where the top center trim meets the main roofing corrogated sheets :lol: .... but first melt the lead outside so as to burn off the toxic paint fumes that are on them :lol: :lol: .. not that I have done this before.. only surmising :lol: :lol: :lol: ........................ 8)

  2. You don't have pics of the sump/overflow/return on the AR1200 by any chance? - would be well interested to see how you did it as I'm about to set up a R2-150 :)

    Sorry don't have any pics of sump system but with the main tank drilled 2 x 32mm holes .. top one 12" in from left side 2" down from top of tank..... bottom 18" in from right side 2" from bottom (hansen fittings).. overflow was bevelled ( like a villa bay window section) .. with modified u/g filter plate for overflow grill ... stand is divided so right side had sump custom built to fit area running 25mm pvc , plus hansen fittings thru out.. aqua 3900 return pump with return valve , basic queen skimmer and jager 300 wtt heater in sump plus bio tower ( used caulerpa's and live rock for nitrate removal...expect replies to this :roll: ) .... left side area had canister filter for removable media plus ran UV light and air pump as well. mods to cabinet were a 12" square cut out of the back panel where sump was for ventilation .

    so all up the system runs the factory overhead trickle , overflow to sump plus UV & canister , 2 x solar white 1 x solar marine(actinic)..

    hope this helps .. 8)

  3. yes ..when collecting imagine an ocky wrapping itself around you while you are diving... bizzare feeling .. along as he doesn't bite you .. then you'll know all about it .. they have teeth like a parrot but imagine 10 times stronger ( used for cracking shellfish/crabs/crayfish etc... :o

    was lucky when doing this.. 8)

  4. @Candy .. think about the borneo tiger .... have heaps of rockwork hiding places .. they are a secretive hunter and like to have plenty of places to retreat to if they feel threatened .. i.e other aggressive fish in the tank ....just watch the colours .. if they stay dark wasted out( should have vivid stripes) even with feeding ( live small fish)..then thats stress !!..

    good luck :wink: 8)

  5. Sorry Madcookie , but had these guys when living in Tauranga soo long ago as a early 20 sumthin' dude 8) ..that a 'digital camera was ?? and the best computer you could get was a 486DX2/100 ... :lol: :lol: :lol: ... geez I sound old ..I only learnt thru experientation , but obviously keeping them hasn't changed .. they are still cool .. only thing I would add nowadays is a chiller .. to keep them really happy .. and their food before they get torn apart :o ............... 8)

  6. octu's are easy to keep and are the most amazing creatures for human interaction ... you have to weigh down the lids of course when you first have him/her but once they realise that this is their home you can leave it unguarded to the extent that as you walk by they will lift the lid and "blast" you with water when they decide they are hungry!! :o .. just have to have bluddy good filters to extract their amazingly large amount of "oky poo" that they produce every 5 odd days... but just throw sum paddle crabs in there and watch the colours change on them with excitement etc.... have kept several of different sizes and the easiest have a head size about 1.5 the size of a large hand with a leg/tentacle radius of about 3.5 to 4 ft ... sooo cool to catch, just grab from sandbed home (look for discarded shells around central hole).. plant them on your wetsuit and they just stick there like velcro... 8)

    have heard about these guys night time roaming into other tanks for midnight snack but with the 5 that I have kept , never happened nor any "jail breaks" either ... but this is only my own experience.... :wink:

  7. the lil' Borneo/Siam/Bozoland :lol: tiger is a "Datnioides Microlepis" .. the large bugga's are "Datnioides Quadrificancis" .. ( excuse spelling) only going by memory here and theres alot of grey clouds in there :o

    the Archer is a "Toxotes Jaculator" ( think they should change that name ... hmmm :-? ) .. easier to keep than the "Toxotes Chateraus" and basically these of the four types of archers are the only ones you see in NZ .. (tox .chat )has spots between the stripes and the (tox . jac) has the yellow tail and fins . if anyone decides to buy these guys and wants more than one buy them all at the same time so they get familiar with each other , plus have a large tank... if you buy one then later buy another .. forget it ... and also don't mix species( t.jac )will always pick on (t.chat) .. and that always leads to a fish called 'bob".... :( :-? .. who smells :o

  8. Cheers Craig , Unfortunatly don't have this borneo anymore .. at the same time as this tank was running had these beauties in a six ft.


    had 2 of them , about 14" long 5 years old .. they displayed strange actions with each other ( having never seen borneos courting can't say , but the behaviour was interesting)... they were so cool , feed them fist sized goldfish! :o .. sorry all you lovers of them.. :D

    while away one time in Cambodia my LFS place of work were looking after them and due to their incompetance they killed them :evil: .. so I got rid of the tank in the post as I couldn't look at them without feeling both :evil: :evil: :evil: & :(:( :evil: ...at my previous employers.!

    one day I will get some more but still feel "pissed off".....

  9. good picking of creatures , sum additions on sum pics

    pic1 tiger barb .. was a large school cruising thru but by the time camera out and ready.... :(

    pic 4 a type of snail that you have to handle with tongs(toxic) until cooked

    pic 5 A gourami ...about 12" long (sp unknown) had these a few years ago at work but can't remember name

    pic 6 more gourami's about 18" long ,sp "giant" ( same waters had large barbs splashing about but no good pics)

    pic 8 painted lobster

    pic 9 needle fish 8-9 " long (Xenentodon Cancila) .have bred these a few years ago.

    pic 14 same here .. no clue ..observed for a long time and looked like cross between catfish/gourami/poly...

    pic 17 they looked like sword fry .. were fishballing due to several small needle fish herding them..( pic taken next to the 'killing fields" just out of phnom penh , cambodia).

    most of the mantis shrimp were spearers and about 8 - 10 " .. bluddy massive !!

    you should see my frog/turtle/bug/lizard pics from asia .... :wink:

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