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Everything posted by vimmer

  1. You'll want to check out the MAF and DOC websites. It's not going to be easy - especially when it comes to security and quarantines.
  2. Oh man, I find Clawed frogs so entertaining, it's a little weird how they're purely aquatic though.. go visit them at a Zoo somewhere (we have them at Wgtn Zoo). Button, being 9months old is just approaching sexual maturity now. Buton looked like a 'he' is actually a 'she' and it's only becoming obvious now, but that's what Alan has said.
  3. Hi, I was wondering if there was any more Riccia looking for a good home? I don't really have anything to trade for it apart from cash. Cheers all
  4. When I cycled my tank with 6 glowlights (awesome, awesome fishes) I did not do a test until the 3rd day of them being in the tank, and did not get a reading for ammonia (it was 0), and got 0.25 for nitrites, and 5.0 for nitrates. But I dunno if that's a typical reading for a cycling tank though. I didn't use any products either, basically because I'm too poor to buy 'em And Cath, your little pic is rad
  5. is that lead somehow made safe for fishtanks? Would it not leech into the water and harm your fish? Somewhat like what the Romans experienced... ?
  6. thanks Suphew i did some tests today and got ammonia 0 nitrite 0.25ppm nitrate 5.0ppm so it's doing okay? Should i be seeing a reading for both nitrite and nitrate at the same time? and Caper, tank has been going since Friday, but only with fish and plants since Sunday afternoon (50is hours ago). Tank has approx 75Lt water in it..sorta.. (69x33x37, minus plants and gravel, etc). The fish seem active and happy, so far so good
  7. Hey, I didn't want to start a new topic seeing as it fits with this thread - but I added a couple fish to my tank, on sunday, to start cycling. When should i roughly expect to see the ammonia spike?
  8. wicked, $10.. you guys know my price range. I have heard the name 'Port Nicholson Glass" pop up a bit here, so I might consider it. I'm not so sure on the correct way to repair a tank. Thanks a lot for the advice though! Y'all rock.
  9. hah, Cheers guys. I kinda knew i had to empty it before it decided to empty itself.. It's empty now. I didn't have any fish or plants in it yet - i was going to get them on payday. The tank is second hand.. the silicon does look a little worn out - i "patched" it up with some store bought silicon when i got it, but i think it does need to be pulled apart and reassembled. I got the impression that the previous owners didn't have problems with it - but they had it sitting around outside before i took it, and then i had it sitting empty in full sun for a about 4-5 months too - that would degrade the silicon a bit? I may have not taken enough care moving it around the house - that'd stress the seals a bit too i'd imagine. In a couple weeks when i have a bit of dosh, I'll find someone who will re-glue it relatively cheaply hopefully, i am a poor student after all. And if not, i'll probably keep frogs or something else in it. Blah.. At least i have much practice in filling and emptying a tank now. thanks again for the input.. now it is time for bed.
  10. Heya, I have an odd shaped tank.. it's shaped a little like: /¯¯¯\ |____| as seen from the top. At the widest points the tank measures 620mm wide x 570 tall x 390 deep. On the saturday morning just gone, I filled it with 95L of water (roughly..) and only just now (monday night) noticed that at the seal at the middle of the longest panel of glass where it meets the bottom panel, the glass has moved out a bit - and isn't sitting flush atop the bottom panel. It's bulging outwards. as if it wants to burst open to flood my bedroom floor. The tank is totally made of 6mm glass.. I'm just wondering if you think it's a good idea that i just leave it, get the tank re-sealed/assembled from scratch (if yes, any recommendations on where?), or are the dimensions of this tank just completely messed up and i shouldn't keep water/fishes in it? cheers.. hope this is understandable?
  11. Thanks for the advice, I'll pass it on. I had a feeling that 9 fish in a 60lt tank would be overstocking.. but I'll let him read this all for himself. At least he's got his tank set up - my two have been sitting empty since May... (i have imaginary fish). Thanks again
  12. what if i force them to do it.. with, say, electro-shock therapy?
  13. sorry i didn't make myself very clear.. i mean.. say we mix some Neon tetras with some lemon tetras, for example, will they form one big school, or will they separate out into group by species? Or is that what you meant? Haha sorry, i am not with it today.
  14. hey, this is sorta only vaguely related to the topic, but are there any different species of tetras that are known to school together?
  15. Caper, you might know them as Mexican Walking Fish? Do a google search for "axolotl" and there are several piccies. Keeping them would be rad, as they are becoming/are endangered in the wild. They are endemic to Mexico City, which used to be a lake, which was drained to build the city. So yeah, a little story that you could one day explain to your kids to go along with the neat little creatures
  16. yo! My mate is thinking about setting up a tropical aquarium. At the moment he has 8 neon tetras and a rainbow shark in a 60l tropical tank. He would like to know if he would be able to add a red-tailed black shark into the tank. I'm not too certain about the natures of any of these fishies so I thought I'd ask you guys. Any ideas or help would be appreciated. Cheers y'all
  17. That C. Taxifolia also makes substances that deter hebivory. So it can grow out of control (like in the Mediterranean). There's one slug thingie from America (i think) that likes to eat the stuff though, so they imported some of them into the Mediterranean and will attempt to use them as a natural control. C. taxifolia would be very bad for new zealand if it were released. It's entry is prohibited into Nz http://www.fish.govt.nz/sustainability/ ... ifolia.pdf http://www.fish.govt.nz/sustainability/ ... _aug02.pdf Mm, sorry i went off on a conservational tangent.
  18. yeah that makes sense just leave some containers out to collect rainwater, and it'll become stagnant and the mossies will do their thing.
  19. vimmer

    My tank

    deleted - i'm message-board retarded.
  20. thanks for that assurance, haha - i'm being too paranoid with this all
  21. hey, i collected some river stones to use as a substrate, i've sorted them out a good size, but now i'm wondering how i should clean them? I've put them in a bucket and stuck the hose in and blasted most/all the dirt off of them (the water is rinsing off clear). I've left them in a bucket outside, but i'm wondering if there's a chance that algae/bad bacteria is still present, and if there's something more that i should be doing? Or will the hose have done a good enough job? cheers
  22. Yeah, i just got some from bunnings - they had a special on them, i don't know if it's still on. It's a huge place though, it's on the furthest-left aisle when you walk in. Not too far from newlands either. And they'll cut it in half (or whatever) just so you can fit it into your car (but i guess all stores will do that for ya).
  23. vimmer


    Hey y'all, Well, I'm currently fishless. I'm pretty new to it all, and have only had goldfishes in the past when I was a young'n - and at the moment am just keeping an eye on my flatmate's fush-es. I have learnt a LOT from everyone's posts here - so thanks to you all! Hope to keep learning, and maybe my marine biol studies will help too.. time will tell. I hope to have a tank set up soon (600mm by 600 by 400), and a filter is all i have at this stage.. dont really know what kinda substrate i want, don't know what kind of fish i want, but as soon as i get inspired, it'll be all go.. i know that i do want to give a marine tank a try. Enough ranting, thanks again!
  24. vimmer


    Hey y'all, Well, I'm currently fishless. I'm pretty new to it all, and have only had goldfishes in the past when I was a young'n - and at the moment am just keeping an eye on my flatmate's fush-es. I have learnt a LOT from everyone's posts here - so thanks to you all! Hope to keep learning, and maybe my marine biol studies will help too.. time will tell. I hope to have a tank set up soon (600mm by 600 by 400), and a filter is all i have at this stage.. dont really know what kinda substrate i want, don't know what kind of fish i want, but as soon as i get inspired, it'll be all go.. i know that i do want to give a marine tank a try. Enough ranting, thanks again!
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