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Posts posted by peanuts

  1. Meeting Time and Location

    Although we will do our best to inform everyone of changes, here is all the information you need:

    Day: Last Wednesday of every month.

    Time: 7:45 pm meet with meeting starting at 8:00pm


    Doris Mills Lounge,

    Linden Community Centre,

    Linden Avenue,




    From the Main Road, turn at the Christadelphian Church into Linden Avenue. On the right are the Plunket rooms, the Bridge Club Rooms and then the Linden Community Centre. The Doris Mills Lounge is at the end of the Community Centre building. The car park is one way so you enter from the east end and exit from the west end.

    Tea and coffee are provided, but please feel free to bring something to share for supper - gold coin donation and blank cheques are also accepted, first born children by prior arrangement.

  2. freakyfish,were staying on the coast were booked into ................ towers

    duh i can't remember the name.will definatly be looking at all the sights,will have to rely on some local knowledge as to what is worth a visit as time will be at a premium,only have 10 days sooooo much to see

  3. give it time hellen,keeping africans is very much a patience game take a look at livingarts fish, when i picked them up off james he looked very much like that,not as intense in the colour but he is only a youngster,he has only just passed his first birthday,i'm sure he will get there.they were bought as ''royal blues''.

  4. the melos were bought as ''blue melanochromis'',they arn't johanni they don't get as big as the johanni and the female keeps the colours.

    good breeders too cleaned out the red shoulder tank and more babies,want any more,lol

    the baenschi looks to have settled in well

    tank looks good to keep us updated on progress :D

  5. wow impressive - looks much better than the small ones I keep seeing. as for price that's what Trade me is for - an auction is probably the only way to gage what he could be worth - cause hes only worth what someone is prepared to pay.

  6. hmmmm zebras and plants,interesting

    zebras being mbuna and going by my experience they could become between feed snacks.that is not to say it won't work don't be too disapointed if it dosn't.i have found that the best plants to use are vallisinaria,crypts and anubias they are more hardy and can take the knocks better,java fern is also another favorite be.nice look be awesome if it does well thou

  7. if you like the look of limestone - we got ours at Whakatiki Soil and Sand of course on Whakatiki Street, Upper Hutt. that of course was a while ago - so not sure if they still have. When we got it we searched around all their piles as it was mixed in with other rocks. they also had limestone chip - can't remember what we paid though.

  8. Glad to see that this cutie has gone to a home where he will be looked after.

    I very much would have liked him - but don't have space for the tank that he will require.

    keep us updated with pic's please.

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