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Posts posted by peanuts

  1. yes I introduced her slowly, as for the previous tank, can't tell about ph level etc but the previous tank was tiny, ie 450 x 300 x 400 as an estimation going to my tank at 450 x 450 x 1000.

    her previous tankmates where a male and female fighter and tiger barbs and a plec. she now has 2 scissortails, 2 black mollys, 3 serpae and 4 platies. she was introduced on her own and all the other fish are quite happy.

  2. Help, brought a keyhole gourami yesterday and placed into tank, today I notice that the tow black spots are fading. this fish is also swimming madly around the tank, doesn't seem to slow down. Is this normal?? the last lot of gourmai I had didn't move this much and liked to hide so this behavour seems odd.

    any suggestions welcome...

  3. Hi, am relativly new to fish tank setups. My husband and I had a tank years ago, but sold the lot when the kids starting arriving. but I hated not being able to sit there at night watching them swim around.

    We where fortunate to get another tank 450mm square and 1000mm tall supplied complete, including some fish, this setup was up and running for over a year had added fish with no problems then saw some pearl gouramis and had to have them. put 4 in and they settled in well.

    then I found more on trade me and brought 8 from Ira, a week later the whole system crashed, the small fish died (neons and platies) one day with the gourami and pleco dieing overnight, broke my heart. not to mention friends(?) wanting to know exactly what happenen.

    I was lucky to have one friend who has an uncle who is into fish in a HUGE way living around the corner who advised what I should do to cleanse the tank and start cycling again. to date I have

    2 black widows

    4 serpae

    2 scissortails

    4 platies

    and I have just won a keyhole gourami from trade me - pick up this weekend

    but I would really like some guppies (prefer colours other than orange) and some more of Ira's gouramis. and of course some bottom dwellers.

    So thank you very much to Paul, and this site for providing some valuable information. anyone wanting to help out with some fish at reasonable prices give me a holler.

    in the meantime I will continue to read the site while watching my fish swim. - very relaxing. cheers Karen

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